Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


I wanted to kick myself for thinking that something was going to happen last night. We washed and ate like usual with me keeping an eye on Kai who would occasionally doze off. He could be talking and would doze off mid sentence. I was just glad that we made it upstairs and into the bed in time. As soon as his head hit the pillow, Kai was out. I held him in his sleep, careful of his horns since he seemed restless. He seemed to sleep better with his head resting on my chest. With his soft snoring, I was able to doze off shortly.

And here I was now, in the garden planting the seeds that Vaeh gave me while Kai remained sleeping upstairs. I had tilled the grass like I had done back at home with my powers since I didn't have the tool for it. I followed Vaeh's specific instructions on how deep to bury the seeds as I carefully waved my hand over the dirt as it shifted back into place. I was so lost in planting the seeds that I became unaware of my surroundings. "Would burying it this deep really work with no actual sunlight down here?" I asked myself while looking up at the lights before looking back down as something moved in my peripheral. Quickly turning, I was greeted by my tired looking mate who lazily waved to me.

"Hi, my love." He quietly greeted me from the step where he sat as I quickly approached him.

"Why are you up, darling? We still have plenty of time before both of the suns go down." I explained while sitting down next to him as he leaned on me. His long hair fell down my shoulder as he hummed in thought.

"I couldn't sleep without you." He mumbled as I gently ran my fingers through the long strands of his hair. "I faintly remember hearing your heartbeat in my ear and it lulled me back to sleep. I tried to go back to sleep without bothering you but it became more and more difficult. Can we nap together until this evening?" He questioned as my cheeks flushed. Jeez, he knew how to make me feel giddy.

"Yeah, I just finished planting the seeds Vaeh gave me but what about breakfast? Have you eaten?" I asked as he slowly sat up while looking at me. Shaking his head, he stood from the step while reaching a hand out towards me. Softly grasping his hand, he led the way back into the house and up the stairs as I sighed. "I'll nap with you as long as you promise to eat once we wake up." I bargained as we stopped in front of our bedroom door before he turned to me.

"Anything for you, my love." He smiled sleepily as he leaned down and kissed me passionately while his arms wrapped around my waist. "My Goddess! How I've missed this. I love you so much." He breathed as we pulled away enough so our foreheads were touching.

"I love you too, darling. Let's go rest first." I quietly breathed out while leading him back to our bed before I stripped down to my underwear. Slowly climbing into bed, I glanced back at Kai to see him looking up at the ceiling. "Are you okay?" I asked while settling down into the bed as he slowly peeked at me before sighing.

"I'm okay, my love." Was all he said before climbing into the bed next to me while laying his head on my chest. He was super careful of his horns as he wrapped his arms around my waist. It didn't take long before he was out again as I soon followed pursuit.


It felt like deja vu as I sat on the step watching Kai pack and tie stuff onto Neau who seemed larger than before. I watched as his desert gear stretched over his shoulders while slightly rising to show his bare lower back. Even his pants seemed to be hugging his ass and his thighs. Was his desert gear always that fitting or was I just that sexually frustrated? It had been awhile since Kaisen last touched me. Maybe it was just me feeling like this.

"Are you ready, my love?" Kai called out as I looked up at him and smiled before heading over to him. He gently picked me up and placed me on Neau's back before getting on behind me. As he whipped the reins, Neau's wings slowly began to spread out before she shot up into the darkness. "Mask up." Kai instructed as I did as told before the top opened up and Neau shot out. Thinking she was going to drop down into the sand, I prepared myself. "Where we're going, we need to fly." Soft pats on my stomach followed his voice in my ear.

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