Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The next day came as a surprise when I was woken up by Kai who immediately let me know that he had to leave to go help a hunting team take down some creature. I wasn't fully awake when he pronounced the name of the creature to me but I remember nodding and kissing him. What really woke me up was when I pulled away, about to turn back over and go to sleep, when he pulled me into a more passionate kiss while running his hands through my hair. I hadn't even realized that I had kissed him the first time but had it not been for the knocking at the front door, we would've probably done more than just kissing. He reluctantly pulled away from me while huffing like a little child. I couldn't help but laugh at him even though I was just as frustrated.

Sighing, I shook my head at that thought while walking back through the gate of our house. I had finished up early today with my therapy session and I picked up my commissions from the tailor before heading home. Stopping near the porch, I quickly diverted from the path while rounding the house. I could probably get some practice in before Kai came home. I thought to myself while placing my bag down on the steps to the back porch before stepping back a little. I would need all the space I could get if I were going to perfect these new spells.

Slowly raising my hand, I took a deep breath before releasing it as wind started to gently circle around me. "Okay, Lily. You can do this." I encouraged myself while closing my eyes and thinking of the spell carefully. Slowly opening my eyes, I watched as roots slithered up through the dirt before curling in front of me. "Okay, one spell down." I smiled while gently running my hand over the root as flowers began to slowly bloom where my hand had touched. White lilies bloomed along the root as I carefully stepped away from it before quickly pushing my hand out as the root and flowers began to wither as quickly as they had bloom. I repeated the process again before stopping as I now had five withered roots around me.

Okay, concentrate. Concentrate. I told myself while breaking a piece of the root off and holding it in my hand before focusing in on it. It took a little bit before the separate root in my hand came back to life, full and rejuvenated. I couldn't help but laugh in amazement at how I had finally perfected the spell my mother had been trying to do for so long. Soon, my laughter turned into sobbing as I couldn't help but think how this spell would've helped us out a lot.

In the midst of my breakdown, I didn't hear the bushes or the footsteps until they were right up on me. "No cry." A small child's voice spoke while tugging at my pant leg as I quietly wiped my eyes with the back of my hand before looking down. A small deer like child was looking up at me with a slight frown on her small face. Though she had the face and body of a small human child, she still had fur growing along her body with a head full of short brown hair. Instead of human ears, she had small deer ears on the top of her head. "No cry." She repeated while pouting at me, her little lip quivering as if she herself were about to cry. I smiled down at her while rubbing her head.

"I'm okay, sweetie." I softly spoke while squatting down to her level as she released my pants leg, now pulling at her small blue dress she had on. "Would you like this?" I asked while holding out the flower to her as she nodded before reaching out a small hand for it. Just as she was about to take it, a deep male's voice began frantically shouting.

"Nisa! Nisa, where are you??" He shouted as thundering footsteps came our way as the small child looked off towards the bushes as I followed her gaze before a large white fur covered being came popping out of it. He stopped while quickly looking around before his hazel eyes fell on me and the small doe. He looked relieved to see her fine as he sighed, his shoulders relaxing. Staring at him more, I started to put two and two together.

"Haimo?" I questioned as he perked up at his name. He was indeed my mate's childhood friend. He fit the description that Kai had told me. He did in fact have a large white mane around his neck and white animal ears on his head with curly white hair. It weird seeing animal like people yet it was amazing. He had the face of a human but there was shorter fur on his face. He really did look like a lion.

"Do you know me?" He asked while hopping the fence and walking towards us as I nodded. "Seeing as you're here in Kaisen's yard, you must also know him?" He added as I nodded while smiling.

"Yes. I'm his mate, Lily. I've heard so much about you." I introduced as he faltered in his steps before swooping up the small child while staring at me. Standing up, we stared at each other for a second before he hugged me.

"Hello, Lily! It's nice to finally meet you! The children have been buzzing about somebody in Kaisen's yard that does magic so they've been disappearing here to watch but I guess they got startled by you crying. The boys came back screaming about something. Sorry if I frightened you." He smiled as it finally dawned on me why the little girl had came out of hiding. Smiling over at the little girl, I gently ruffled her hair.

"Was that why you came out of hiding?" I asked as Haimo said something to her in a different language as she nodded and replied to him in the same language while pointing at me.

"She said that she got scared that you hurt yourself and started crying because of that." He explained as I looked between him and her as she reached her hand out towards me before patting my head. She spoke something in their language while staring at me. "She said it's okay now." I smiled at the little doe who returned it back to me. "Well, we should go. Nisa's mother is looking for her but I'll be back again when Kaisen returns to celebrate the good news." He smiled while making his way towards the gate as I followed behind them. "Any friend of Kaisen is a friend of mine. I'll see you again, Lily." He waved while hopping the fence again before disappearing into the bushes again.


Sighing, I leaned back in the bath as the hot water eased the tension from my body as many thoughts ran through my head. Kai hadn't come back yet from hunting and it was already getting late. I had made something simple and easy to cook tonight while waiting on him to come back but the food had long gone cold and I took that as my lead to just eat and put everything else up.

On another note though, I had managed to finally get those spells completed and continued practicing long after Haimo and Nisa had left. I could now easily grow and regenerate any plant without struggling or having it completely sap away at my magic reserve. The tailor also came through with the last commissions I had asked for. She perfected making clothing with silk thanks to all of the silk gowns she made for me. Some were nightgowns while some were silk dresses for outings. What little insecurities I had about my pudgy stomach quickly disappeared when I tried on the items she had made me. The dresses gave me confidence as they hugged my curves and my breasts quite comfortably. She even added hidden pockets just in case. I couldn't wait to wear them out on one of our dates.

Just thinking about that thought made me wish that Kai was here right now. To have him kissing me roughly, almost hungrily as his hands roamed my body. To have him groaning into our kiss at the very thought of me. Fuck, I never felt so much more alive than when I was with Kai. I wanted to be completely one with him. "This must be what it feels like to have a mate." I sighed while groaning at the naughty thoughts swirling around my head. "I could imagine having a little version of Kai just running around." I laughed while closing my eyes and sliding down into the warm water. To be completely one with Kaisen and have our own family seemed like a great idea.

Quickly shooting up from the bath, I stared down at the water. What in the hell was I just thinking about? Kids? Being completely one? Where did all of these thoughts come from? Was there some kind of mate bond going on between me and Kai like werewolves back on Earth? Had I lost my mind?? I'm here getting cozy with Kaisen that I hadn't even gone to see if my friends were okay. There was no time to be getting hot and hanky with this big orange red orc. I need to figure out what the hell we're going to do once we all find each other again.

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