Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Slowly stretching out, I quietly listened for Kai. Maybe he was in the bathroom or downstairs. I thought to myself while crawling out of the bed before making my way over to the bathroom. Slowly pushing the door open, I saw no sign of Kai. Frowning, I quickly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where I found him standing in front of the stove.

"Good morning, darling." I greeted while hugging his waist and kissing his bare back. "Are you okay?" I asked while peeping around to look up at him. It felt like something was wrong with him or was I just imagining things?

"Good morning, my love. I'm okay, I just had a weird dream last night and couldn't go back to sleep after I woke up from it." He explained while softly smiling down at me as I gently rubbed his back. Whatever dream he had seemed to have bothered him. "I'll tell you about it while we have breakfast." He added while leaning down to kiss me as I happily welcomed his lips. I gently ran my hand through his hair as he moaned into our kiss. As we pulled away from each other, I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Do you need any help?" I questioned as he softly shook his head with a soft smile.

"My mind has been everywhere so I've done everything. I'm almost finished with breakfast, so it won't be long." He reassured me as I kissed him one last time before taking a seat at the table. Kaisen was right, it didn't take long before he was setting out food in front of me. Once he made sure I was okay, he sat down across from me.

"Where do you want to start, darling?" I asked while filling my plate with plenty of different fruits and some scrambled Sogo eggs. I was more in the mood for the fruits as some of them were really juicy and sweet and some of them had this unique taste that paired well with another. Quietly munching on my fruit, I watched my darling as he tried to put into words what he wanted to say.

"Okay, it started a little before we went to sleep. My mind was still stuck on everything that happened at the temple." He paused while staring at me for a second before staring down at the food between us. "I fell asleep and woke up somewhere else. I thought it was completely weird how vivid everything was. It felt so real. But, that's not the part that freaked me out the most. Do you remember telling me how my mom might still be alive?" He cautiously inquired as I nodded in agreement as he sat on the edge of his chair, a new look on his face.

"I remember. It seemed to have troubled you a lot more once we got home. I felt it bothering you again when we were about to go to bed. What happened?" I questioned as Kai's eyebrows furrowed together before I placed my hand over his. Slowly lacing our fingers together, he kissed our entwined hands before smiling.

"I love you so much." He whispered while closing his eyes before sighing. It took him a second before he slowly opened his eyes while looking up at me. "The crazy part of it all was I think I saw my sibling." He explained while watching me as my eyes went wide with shock. "Yeah, I was just as shocked as you." He laughed as I couldn't believe what I heard.

"But, I thought your parents had problems conceiving. Did you talk to your sibling?" I asked, astonished as he quietly nodded.

"I did. I talked with him. He looks so much like Sihea except he has our mother's eyes. But, I know he's my sibling because I can feel it right here." He explained while touching his chest with his free hand as I nodded in understanding. "Apiazans recognize family but that means if I have a sibling, my mom is still alive!" Kai laughed even though it seemed like he was more in shock. "I don't know if it was a dream or if it was real." He muttered under his breath as I leaned forward to kiss his forehead.

"It was real, darling. The gift that Storrerhia bestowed upon us both allowed for us to do that. I'm guessing as long as your brother has that power, you can visit him as much as you want. It also means that I can visit my momma as much as I want without meeting the requirements to see her." I explained as he looked at me with questioning eyes. "The previous requirement to meet my mom in our safe space was for me to be dying." His eyes went wide with shock.

Desert Lily [SS#1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें