Chapter 14: The Rooms | Part 1

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When I opened door 0073, the blue glow appeared again so I looked down. And I was also able to loot the drawers.

And then I found another skeleton key. What is this skeleton key for now? I already opened the room in the infirmary.

When I opened door 0074, there were a lot of closets.

But there was one suspicious closet. It was placed weirdly. The others were nearer to the wall while this certain one is further.

Then I looked behind it and I saw a secret passage way! Where does this lead to?????!!?!?!?

Then I went inside and I saw that it might be a maze!
I hate mazes!

(Time skip. Vera just tried to find her way to the secret room.)

I found it! There was a painting and many closets.

Then I went to the right then went forward. I saw a yellow light coming from the left so I went there.

Then I saw a door with a skull lock and two chains with locks attached to them.

I thought that I could use my lockpicks and skeleton key here.

Then after a few seconds, I opened the door. The door disappeared and there was a white glow coming from it.

I entered and...

I went to a completely new place!!!!!!!!!!!!

A paper fell on the ground from nowhere and it said "You are now in The Rooms." It was written in yellow this time.

A Night in a Person's Life in the Roblox Doors HotelWhere stories live. Discover now