Extra II: Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day was coming up and Cale was looking forward to doing something special for his little fairy.  Walking thoughtfully through the streets of the city, he hears some ladies whispering to each other, but with his superhuman hearing he could easily hear what they said.

"I'm making chocolates to give to my fiancé for Valentine's Day" The lady lets out a low chuckle as she says.

"Uhh how romantic, this Valentine's Day I didn't prepare anything, my heart is still recovering after the news that the baron's heir is getting married" The other young woman says, sighing.

A flash of understanding hits Cale 'Chocolates of course' He thinks excitedly, on Valentine's Day people give chocolates to people they like or are precious to him.  Walking towards the shops, he opens his space bag, taking out a notebook of recipes that he had used to try to prepare lunch for Roksoo.  Leafing through the pages he finds the recipe for the sweet he was looking for,  walking he goes towards a small commercial store to buy the ingredients.

Arriving at Vila Super Rock, where most of the people who helped them in the war were staying, he goes to the kitchen.  It was late, so there weren't people who could snoop on what he was up to, especially Beacrox.  Reading the recipe book carefully, he began to sort out the dishes he was going to use.  Cale was not ignorant; he knew his skills in the kitchen were not good, but he was practicing. Cale dared say he was making great progress in honing his skills unlike a master swordsman who is a hopeless case.  Attentively, he carefully prepares each stage of chocolate preparation.  It was a little darker than what he usually sees in bakeries, but he thinks that's because it's a different recipe. The pans he had been using started to pile up on the worktops, some chocolate was spilled on the counters, but Cale believes he could clean it up with his magic before Beacrox saw the mess.  Setting a baking tray on the counter, he tries to make it into a heart shape, cats and dragons.

"What are you doing, Young Lord?"

The sudden voice made Cale end up missing the kitten ears he was drawing with the chocolate. Turning to the head chef who wore a cold stare, he turned his attention to his pastries as he calmly said, "I'm preparing something for Roksoo for Valentine's Day."

Beacrox sighs resolutely as he takes out the dirty kitchen utensils to wash. He didn't like people messing with his kitchen, but he would make an exception for his foolishly in love young lord.

"I'm done" Cale says as he looks at the chocolates. Not wanting to have to wait hours for it to cool, he casts his magic on the chocolates by cooling them quickly. Looking at his art, he proudly thinks, 'surely the best food I've made so far'. Looking around the kitchen, Cale looks for a place to hide the sweets. He knew that Roksoo was like an ant attracted by sweets, at dawn the brunette would peek towards the kitchen in search of biscuits. The brunette thought that nobody knew, but everyone in the house wasn't normal people, however Cale let the brunette believe that nobody knew. Beacrox even kept an extra cookie jar hidden in the closet just for the little fairy. Finding the perfect place, he hides the candy behind the lemons in the pantry, casting a spell so that the candy doesn't melt, he leaves his hiding place. Looking at Beacrox who was cleaning his utensils with fervor, he speaks.

"Don't Tell Roksoo"

"Of course young master" Beacrox replies, focused on his task, if a corner of his lips turned up in a small smile only he knew.

Leaving the kitchen, he walks towards the room where he and Roksoo were staying. They wouldn't live in Super Rock, that was something agreed between them, as soon as our son was born they would move to the house that Roksoo had in the forest with the children. It wasn't that Cale didn't like the people who lived in this place, but he wanted to live in a place where it would only be him, Roksoo and the children in search of privacy in a quiet place. Call him selfish, but he never denied that he was.


Valentine's Day had arrived. Holding the decorated box containing the candy, he walks happily toward Roksoo who was lying on the couch quietly reading a book.

"Roksoo!" He calls out to him.

"Cale? What have you been up to?" Roksoo replies, turning his attention to Cale, who is smiling.

"Uh?! Because you said it that way it's like I did a lot of things wrong" Cale comments. Walking slowly towards Roksoo, he takes the little box from his hand and says: "Happy Valentine's Day".

Taking the box that Cale handed him, Roksoo looks surprised at Cale. A smile blooms on his lips as he opens the box filled with chocolate in different shapes: Crooked hearts, kittens and dragons. Laughing, he says:"Thank you, Cale, you made all this?"

"Yes, I did. Let's try it!" Roksoo rushes in.

Picking up a heart shaped chocolate, he took a bite of the candy, it tasted surprisingly good despite the slight burnt taste.

"What didn't you like?" Cale asks after seeing Roksoo silent. When Roksoo doesn't answer, he reaches out his hand to take the box back," Then give it to me"

"No. I like it, it's very good" Roksoo deflects the little box from Cale's clutches. He was feeling happy that Cale had done this with him in mind. Although it was not the best chocolate he had ever eaten, Roksoo was sure to put it over the top: "Thank you, it's very nice. Wait a moment.

Roksoo walks towards the bed in the center of the room and removes a small box that was hidden under the bed.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." Roksoo gives Cale a quick kiss and hands him the box. Cale's look was one of joy as he quickly opened the package and looked at the candy.

"Did you make it for me?"


"Thank you. This is the best one I will ever eat." Walking towards Roksoo, he envelops him in a tight hug: "I love you very much.

"I love you too.

Cale didn't know he could be so happy in his life, and he is grateful for every moment that Roksoo has crossed his path on the street. Roksoo can't help but think the same.


Thanks for reading this far ♥️♥️♥️ I posted a Valentine's Day extra so you don't forget about me. I didn't let go of this story, I'm just running out of time. I'm writing the next chapter.

In this chapter you can take it as a vision of the future. I had already planned ahead that Cale and Roksoo would move to live alone in the forest.

Any errors let me know.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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