Live Together ?

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The trip to Puzzle City didn't last long and ended quickly, they weren't planning on staying long because going to that city was just an excuse to go through the territory where the black dragon was trapped and rescue him without suspicion. The three children mainly On and Hong were very grumpy when they saw the stone carvings mainly the reason behind the tradition, their expectations were totally broken.

    On the way back to Henituse territory. The carriage had gone to the house of the lord of the territory, Roksoo, despite Cale's constant requests to stay a few days at Count Roksoo's mansion, chose to go to his house with the three little ones, after all there was no reason to stay there since his house was close.

    It was a few days after the black dragon was rescued and it was only a few days before the second month before the romance officially started to end, despite the protagonist Choi Han showing up earlier and the Harris village incident happening early, no there were no other events besides the two mentioned that happened in advance.

    It was midday and the sun was shining in the blue sky where there wasn't a single cloud on this sunny day, Roksoo was sitting in an armchair in the living room reading an adventure book that was coming to an end. Finishing he looks up specifically to two cats and a dragon, the curtains were drawn not risking anyone discovering the dragon that was without its indivisibility magic. Roksoo wonders how he managed to focus so much on reading when they were playing and chasing each other in their bestial ways, their laughter and screams filled the house with joy, he didn't feel irritated by the noise as it was a constant reminder of that he was not alone.

    Surprisingly On, Hong and the black dragon quickly approached. Roksoo remembers the first day the black dragon was in his house and Roksoo took out his artifact and his pointy ears popped out, the little dragon's surprised face was funny, well it wasn't a surprise that he was shocked given the fact that that since the day he was born the black dragon was locked inside the cave without being able to see the sunlight and being tortured everyday, the only people he saw were Venion and his torturers who were human. And to think that a four year old was being tortured filled Roksoo with anger and bitterness, he would seek revenge for the dragon.

    Roksoo comes out of his thoughts that started to get vicious and looks at the kids who stopped running and became quiet he wonders what happened to them stop playing again, lunch time had already passed and it was entering the afternoon time. Seeing the three little ones who stopped in front of him with bright eyes and pleading, Roksoo smiles fondly as he looks at their faces 'They're planning something' he thinks looking into their eyes but doesn't give them away "What's wrong? " his voice flows smoothly.

"This big and powerful dragon wants to try pie" The black dragon tries to sound arrogant, but the childish anticipation can be felt.

   "We were talking to the youngest about the pies you buy for us" On says looking at him.

   "Please" Hong says extensively with charm.  Roksoo controls himself not to laugh at his smug tactics.  In fact, it didn't take much work to convince him, if they just asked normally, Roksoo would buy what they wanted anyway.

   "Alright let's buy them" Roksoo says simply, and watches them exchange victorious looks with each other before jumping in excitement and Roksoo doesn't miss the moment the dragon child's wings flutter in joy, his eyes watch them recording each moment and their happy smiles.

   Roksoo leaves the house accompanied by two kittens and an invisible dragon, carrying both of them with ease, he walks calmly towards the bakery.  The city streets were as busy as ever.

   Ting Ting

   The bell that was on the door of the establishment makes a noise, entering the place Roksoo begins to walk straight to the counter where there was a glass showcase that shows a variety of cakes, sweets and pies, everything seemed very good but today he would just buy it a pie.

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