Indestructible shield and children

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The sun's rays entered the room, illuminating the face of a young man lying on his bed with his black hair spread across the bed and his pearly skin, which felt soft to the touch.

Roksoo felt uncomfortable as he felt the heat on his face, frowning he forced himself to open his eyes and start the day.

Having prepared for the day, Roksoo decides to try to take the ancient power of the shield today. Leaving, Roksoo had his hair long instead of tied up like he's been doing for the last few days

Arriving at the bakery he had visited the day before, Roksoo sees the lady at the entrance of the bakery waving at him, getting closer she says: "Have you come to get more bread?"

Roksoo nods "Yes" handing over the bag she takes and starts packing everything he would have to go to more bakeries, luckily it wasn't far from home, if he wants to complete the test today he would have to buy a lot.

"I didn't ask yesterday, but you're new here, aren't you?" He says putting all the loaves in the bag.

"Yes, I am, I arrived yesterday" I say a little disinterestedly.

"Oh? Of course this is a great place to live" he says, handing me the bag "Except for the count's eldest son".

I raised an eyebrow curiously at what she was going to say, "Is that why?"

"Hey, don't you know?" The woman spoke in amazement, for everyone in the Roan kingdom knew of the young master of the Henituse family's reputation as trash.

"I didn't live in the Roan Kingdom before" I say, giving an explanation. I didn't need to hear what I already knew, but I was curious about what a resident here might say.

"The young master is a troublemaker, when he is drunk he throws bottles at everyone, they say he even yelled at a nanny who took care of his sister" Hearing all this Roksoo was curious even though Cale acted like trash he only threw bottles at the gangster 'maybe the book didn't detail everything' I think, but he doesn't judge too quickly because the rumors sometimes always go up.

"That's why when you see him you have to be careful and avoid him, so he doesn't fight you" she says with a very serious face, as if it's something very important.

Raising my eyebrow, I reply, "Of course I'll remember that"

Leaving Roksoo, he enters two more bakeries, hoping that will be enough.

Walking Roksoo looks at a bakery and enters, the door makes a ringing noise warning that a customer has arrived.

Looking around, the environment seemed quite comfortable, approaching the window he saw varieties of cakes and pies, Roksoo wondered if the children would like a chocolate cake.

Looking at the girl behind the counter he asks: "See me two pieces of that chocolate cake to go" I say pointing at them, feeling a little hungry he orders an apple pie for him to eat as he walks. After paying, he leaves the store hearing the young woman scream: "Thanks for the purchase" Holding the pie with a napkin and the subspace bag with the two pieces of cake in his other hand, he leaves.

'Will these two children be waiting for me by the hill?' I think as I take a bite of the pie.

Starting to walk with the bag in his hands Roksoo starts walking towards the slums, walking distracted, looking elsewhere, Roksoo doesn't see when he bumps into someone.

Smelling a familiar, comforting scent, Roksoo ends up distracting himself.

"How long are you going to stand still tsk" says a male voice rudely, but in the background you can hear a hint of amusement in the voice, but no one has noticed.

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