And my name is...?

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The birdsong echoes in Roksoo's ear following them, the brunette watches him hovering near the waters looking for an unsuspecting fish to serve as the day's meal. Lowering her eyes from the sky, the fairy watches the fisherman in front of her who would take them to the central island, the man was an experienced fisherman who had been sailing the Ubarr Sea for several years and was considered a veteran by the villagers.

"Young masters don't need to worry, I'll take you safely to the central island"

"Don't be humble, I heard you were the best fisherman, who knows how to sail the Ubarr Sea with his eyes closed" Cale replies with humor.

"You flatter me, young master" The man says laughing, obviously enjoying the compliment.

The corner of Roksoo's mouth curls a little as he sees the fisherman put his arm around the redhead's shoulder as if he were an old acquaintance, even though he'd only known each other for a few minutes, Cale had this facility for making people comfortable in his presence.

"I'm sorry I can't accompany you, but I have a lot to do. The old fisherman is certainly talented. I wouldn't feel comfortable if I wasn't sure you guys would have a smooth trip."

"No reason to apologize for introducing us to an experienced fisherman is enough" Roksoo replies as his eyes pass over the two kittens being kept by Hans. On and Hong decided not to go with them, even though they played on the banks, the little ones complained about the splashes of freezing water.

"Let's go up!" The sailor says this out loud.

— Little fairy, I'll be flying.

The black dragon would go with them, obviously invisible. Roksoo slightly nods his head to indicate that he has heard.

Taking one last look at the pair of kittens, Roksoo turns around to enter the boat, but soon stops his movements as he looks at Cale, who was limping as he walks, reminding him of the event that happened the morning that Roksoo felt his face heat up slightly in embarrassment. When you like someone, your behavior towards the person is different, Roksoo thought that finding out he was in love with Cale wouldn't make any difference in his behavior other than being self-aware of his feelings, however he was wrong.

Roksoo's thoughts turn to the morning's events. Roksoo had woken up earlier than the others, the room was lightly lit by the weak sunbeams of the sun, blinking his eyes to ward off drowsiness Roksoo becomes aware of the way he was in the redhead's arms, Roksoo had already gotten used to it with the redhead's casual touches his thought was that it's the way Cale showed his affection however waking up being hugged by the redhead especially after realizing his feelings made him strangely nervous and self-aware of the way Cale's arms were around him. Roksoo doesn't remember how long he was paralyzed in the same position, but when he heard Cale mutter a "Good morning" his heart jumped in shock as he unconsciously pushed the redhead to the ground, causing him to fall with a loud thud, waking the children up.

'Shouldn't a dragon have a strong and robust body? Because Cale kept limping, it's not like he pushed hard, I'm weak' Roksoo thinks frowning slightly, seeing the redhead limp was like a reminder of his shameful reaction.

"Young sir, everyone is boarding" Vice-Captain Hilsman puts his hands on his back as if encouraging him to walk, bringing Roksoo back to the present.

Entering the boat, Roksoo sits next to Cale on a wooden crate as there are no benches. The sailor says a few words and starts sailing the boat together with his son. The cool wind brushed his face as the boat rocked and Roksoo's face was wrinkled, a faint seasickness was bothering him.

"Hold on, hahahaha isn't the whirlpool impressive?!"

Roksoo's hands tightened on the wood to steady it as the boat rocked wildly from side to side as it passed close to a whirlpool. Sighing heavily Roksoo's face turns to see the redhead beside him who had his eyes closed as if enjoying his surroundings one of his arms was resting on the deck of the boat, Cale was relaxed as if he were on a sofa.

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