Extra: Adventure at Dawn

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The sniffling sound wakes Cale from his sleep.  As he and Roksoo were engaged the children didn't sleep with them anymore and stayed in their own rooms, so they had more privacy, so there was only one person who could be crying at that moment, worried Cale sits on the bed and looks at Roksoo, who he was crying silently, extending his hand he caressed the fairy's back worried there were few times that Roksoo cried almost non-existent.

"Darling, what's the matter with you that you're crying?" Cale asks the man, his voice was full of concern, his heart twisted unpleasantly at the sight of Roksoo's pitiful face.

"I-I'm craving cookies" Roksoo replies with his voice shaking from crying.

"Oh!" A realization hits Cale. Roksoo was a few months pregnant, they had discovered this news before the final war with White Star and since then it had been a few months and Roksoo's belly was growing adorably. Thinking that the brunette was crying because he didn't want to wake anyone up because it was dawn, Cale reassures him: "Don't cry I'll call Beacrox to make them for you, I'm sure he wouldn't mind"

"That's not the problem Cale" Roksoo shakes his head from side to side in denial.

"So what it is?" Cale asks worriedly.

"II feel like eating the White Star cookie, but he's dead!" Tears were falling down Roksoo's face again. Covering his face with his hands, he continues: "M-my son will be born with a cookie face because I didn't eat when he asked"

Placing his hand over his mouth, Cale tries to stop himself from bursting out laughing. Stroking Roksoo's ebony hair, he waits for the other to calm down: "It's our son. Sleep for a moment, I'll do it"

Casting a disbelieving look at the redhead, a question unconsciously comes out of Roksoo: "How will you go if you don't know how to cook?" The only thing Cale knew how to make was a vegetable soup or roast beef rudely made over wood due to his past life experience in the war and now reincarnated he didn't need to cook as he had servants even during the war not that Roksoo was judging the redhead, but it was reality.

Cale was offended by the question, but didn't let it show on his face. Standing up he gives a quick peck on Roksoo's lips and says: "I'll find a way don't worry, when you wake up you'll have your beloved cookies" It wasn't long before Roksoo went back to sleep, the redhead realized that when pregnant Roksoo tended to sleep more than before as if sleep attracted him immeasurably.

  In the kitchen of Super Rock Villa Cale was sitting on the chair, his dark face was pensive 'How will he get the cookies made by White Star if he's already dead? Should I scour the white castle in the Endable realm for a cookbook? But would a villain like him have a cookbook like a grandmother?' Cale's thoughts were becoming a meaningless pairing. A noise beside him makes him look towards the kitchen door quickly.

"Young Master Cale may I know what he's doing up at this time of the morning" It was Ron who had arrived. Cale knew the old man had deliberately made a noise to get his attention.

"Roksoo is craving cookies." In response, Ron raised one side of his brow.

"I don't see any problem with any young master, this is completely normal. I will call my son"

Running a hand through his hair, Cale says with a sigh: "The problem is they are the White Star cookies.

"Hoho~" Ron lets out a funny laugh, his eyes squinting in amusement at the sight of his frustrated Young Master Puppy.

"It costs nothing to look, we can't leave Roksoo-nim craving cookies"

"Eh!?" Cale is startled by the sudden voice: "Choi Han, when did you arrive?" Cale asks, putting his hand on his heart feeling the fast beats, normally he would feel the presence if someone got close, but his mind was busy.

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