The Fairy's Perception

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The salty smell of the sea air penetrates the nostrils of anyone passing along the coasts of the Ubarr Territory.  The blue sea swayed causing the waves to break on the large rocks creating white foam.  The blue sky was clear, at the open window of the carriage a warm wind came in, shaking the fur of the two kittens that were at the window looking excitedly at the sight in front of them.

"Is so beautiful!"  The admiration was palpable in the eldest daughter's voice.  It was the first time the three children had seen the vast sea.

"It's so much water that you can't see the end" says the black dragon in an impressed voice.

"It's so vast there must be a lot of fish maybe even giant fish" Hong shares her thoughts excitedly the thought of the red kitten moving into a big fried fish giving her mouth watering.

Looking through the carriage window something on the surface of the water draws the attention of Roksoo one of the largest beings that live in the sea the tribe of whales crossing the sea from the northeast towards the north.  Well it probably won't be a big deal 'Must be just a crossing'.


Roksoo's self-persuasive thoughts come to an end when he feels a warm hand being placed over his, his face turns to the side to meet the redhead who was frowning at him.

"I can see smoke coming out of your head. Whatever is going through your head, tell me so I can help you."

Roksoo takes a few seconds to process Cale's playful words: "It's nothing I'm just a little surprised it's not every day you get to see whales swimming" He hadn't realized he was getting paranoid theorizing why the whale tribe was around.  It's strange how Cale could have sensed how he was feeling, just as he can easily read the redhead as he does but for some reason knowing that the redhead knows him as well as he knows the other brought an unfamiliar warmth to his chest.

"I felt a strong presence but there's no need to fear because I'm stronger than them" The Black Dragon proudly says wanting to look arrogant however his face was just turning cute.

Laughing Roksoo says: "There really is nothing to fear when there are strong beings protecting me" The faces of the children in front of him twist into a proud smile, finding it funny Roksoo looks slightly to the side and that the redhead's face was strangely smug.

The gentle rocking of the carriage continues for a few minutes with only a few small noises of occasional conversation over the view of the great cliff.  Around the big cliff there were many small islands, the northeast sea was known to have many small islands, between the island and the cliff there were violent whirlpools, which is why the sea of the Ubarr Territory be dangerous.

'It was on one of those islands where the magekiller landed after being shipwrecked by the whirlpools' The magekiller, Toonka was a strong warrior of the non-mage faction of the Whipper Kingdom known as tyrant after this castaway he finds the ancient power sound of wind and as it was still early Roksoo was planning to catch him before Toonka.

The carriage stops at a seaside village in Ubarr Territory, when getting off the carriage they are greeted by Amiru Ubarr and behind her were some soldiers.

"Miss Amiru" Cale greets with a small smile.

"Young Master Cale and Mister Roksoo-nim it's been a while"

"It's been a few weeks since we last saw each other. Thank you for letting us stay in your turf" Roksoo expresses his thanks and despite the recovery reason they came for he wasn't feeling down he had the vitality of heart.


"Young Miss the patient we rescued has regained his consciousness"

'A patient?'  A bad feeling comes over Roksoo causing his face to frown slightly.  His thoughts are interrupted when Amiru starts to speak.

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