Puzzle City

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A butler wearing a well-pressed black suit with his white gloves stood in front of a door in the inn's hallway, in his left hand was a small paper bag.

Knock knock knock

Knocking three times, he is not allowed to enter the room.  'Are young master Cale and Roksoo-nim still sleeping?'  Hans thought, the butler was in front of the door, deciding if he should come in or let them sleep a little longer, but at least they should have breakfast, still undecided Hans knocks on the door again.

"Young master, may I come in?"  Unlike the first time, this time he hears something.


A kitten's voice meows extensively as if he's responding, giving his permission.

Entering the room, his gray eyes look at the two kittens sitting on the couch looking at him.  Your heart melts at the sight of the two.

"Kittens, I brought you jerky" Hans said humming softly, so he wouldn't wake up his owners and take the meat out of the bag to give to the two, crouching near the sofa he sees the two of them eating, when they are ready he gets up and tries to hug, but the kittens scratch him, with a silly smile Hans says: "Why are you so mean"

The two kittens, one in a gray coat and the other in red, leave Hans and go to the side of a bed.

Looking in the direction the two had gone, Hans snapped out of his reverie and headed towards the bed.

In bed were two young men who slept together hugging, it was a relaxing and peaceful scene.  'They make a good pair', thought Hans as he looked at the peaceful image of the two.  Arriving at his young master's side he shakes him: "Young master it's time to wake up" Seeing the other start to wake up he takes a step back to wait, his young master has indeed changed these days, but it doesn't hurt to be a little cautious.

Waking up, Cale looks at Hans who was beside his bed, sitting on the bed he looks to the side and sees Roksoo snuggled on his leg unconsciously probably looking for his heat source is gone.

"Young master, do you want us to bring breakfast to your room?"  Hans asks, expecting a command.

Looking at Roksoo and the kids who were in his cat form, Cale agrees: "Yes and bring an extra plate of food"

"Eh?"  Cale raises an eyebrow at Hans' questioning "I mean of course young master we will be bringing the dishes soon" Waving his hand he tells the butler to leave who then bows and walks out the door.

"Have you been awake a long time?"  Cale asks the two children beside the bed.


"We just woke up"

"Can you wake us up, are you hungry?"  Cale says, picking up the two kittens and getting up.

"No, Hans gave us meat nya"

"Yeah, he always gives us stuff" Hong says, wagging his tail.

"I see" Cale says laughing as he puts them in the armchair, because he was going to take a shower, poor Hans being taken advantage of by the little ones, but Cale doesn't feel sorry.

Finishing the bath, Cale looks at Hans who was in the room trying to play with the kittens, the table was already set.  Roksoo was still sleeping despite those little noises.

"You can leave now, thank you" Cale says to the butler as he pauses briefly to hear the thanks, and then leaves.  Heading towards the bed, he looks at Roksoo who appeared to be in his seventh sleep, approaching the flame rocking his body.

"Roksoo wakes up"

Groaning, the brunette turns to the other side muttering no, pulling the covers over his head.

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