"Stop!" I shouted, and I was surprised to see that the player did. I think he might have regretted the amount of force he just used to push me... yeah dude, you don't need to work so hard to shove me against the locker!

"Look, I don't really know what the situation is, but Coach is blaming you for the game."

"What! I didn't do anything,"

"Coach gave you instructions and you didn't follow them..."

"You have got to be kidding me. 'Coach' is not the boss of me. I'm not even on the football team,"

"Look man, I'm sorry, but I gotta do this," The football player said before he punched me in the face.

SHIT! I fell to the ground feeling like my entire face was throbbing. My dude didn't even look like he was trying to punch hard... That was what a giant gently punching felt like. SHIT. I got up, and looked in the mirror and saw the entire left side of my face was a mess. My nose was bleeding, my under eye area was red and already puffing up. Ho-Ly-Shit. What should I do? I needed a nurse, or to go to the hospital or something... but then I'd have to walk around campus like an idiot. No! I went over to the sink area and got paper towels and cool water to try and clean myself up a bit. SHIT. My nose hurts. A LOT. I think that guy broke my nose for literally doing nothing. Shit shit shit! What do I even do? My mind raced as I heard what sounded like a rumbling shouting match heading inside the locker room.

"You get back on that field RIGHT NOW! Do you hear me!"


Oh snap! I peeked around the corner and saw Jeremy and the coach going at it.

"You are ruining your life! Get back out there and play football like you know you can!"

"What did you do to Asher?! I saw you send Trent off the field right when Asher left the stands,"

"You shouldn't even be worrying about some random human boy. You are going to be a pro athlete in a few years. Do you think pro athletes run around making eyes to some dumb little boy?! Huh?"

"Don't call him dumb,"

"SHUT UP!" Coach shouted as he slapped Jeremy across the face. "Be a man, and get your ass out on that field!" Coach said, before having a silent staring match with Jeremy. Jeremy could kick this coach's ass even without shifting. Why would he let the coach hit him like that? Oyyy. Jeremy finally put his helmet back on and marched out of the locker room, however Coach didn't follow.

"I know you're in here little human," Coach said as he started marching towards me. Shit! How'd he see me? I was only looking through a crack at that point. I turned and Coach was directly behind me. He grabbed me and easily lifted me off my feet. The movement made my most likely broken nose feel even worse. "Ha. Looks like he broke your nose... That's not what I would have chosen, but not bad..."

I must have momentarily lost my mind because I spat in his face before I could stop myself. Coach's eyes burned with fury as his grip on me tightened. "Big mistake human... and I mean BIG mistake. I was going to let you go with a warning and a broken nose, but now... what am I going to do with you?"

Then he did the worst possible thing to break me. He's a giant... and he could probably break any bone in my body, but instead he broke one that would also break me mentally. Coach put me down, grabbed my hand, and then crunched it in his. I could actually hear bones break as he did so. HO-LY-SHIT. I'd never broken a bone before, and now I can confirm that it is extremely painful. Tears poured out of my eyes as my hand throbbed. Then, Coach stood up, spit on me, and marched out of the locker room. On his way out he yelled, "I want you out of here by the end of the game!"

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