Chapter 42: "Priority: The Messenger"

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--World building fact--

I got a lot of questions about UNE technology, so I hope to answer most of them with this explanation. Firstly, the universe of math that the UNE is using is the same as our timeline, it is the Zermelo Fraenkel's set theory. Using this mathematical universe, they've proven String Theory and are able to develop technology based on that knowledge.

Next is to understand String Theory. Now, pick up something and look at it, have you ever wondered what is it made of? To know the answer, we need to magnify it again and again and again until, eventually, we start to see molecules. So, what are these molecules made of? The answer is atoms, but atom isn't the end. We have electrons that orbit a nucleus to create an atom. The nucleus itself is made of particles neutrons and protons, and when we look inside a neutron, we see smaller tiny particle quarks inside. Now, that's where the conventional idea of what we know in today's world stop. However, String Theory suggests that inside those particles is something else even smaller. If you take one of those particle quarks and look inside it, you'll find a tiny, tiny string-like filament of energy that is vibrating like a violent string but instead of producing musical notes, it produces the particle itself. Different vibrating patterns produce different kinds of particles, an electron is a string vibrating in a pattern, a neutrino is a different string vibrating a different pattern and so on. When you take all of these and put them together, you have the object you're looking at, or anything in the universe, it's a dancing vibrating cosmic symphony of strings. In addition, according to String Theory, the universe operates with 10 dimensions and has infinite alternate realities (Yes, you read that right, dimension and alternate reality are 2 completely different thing).

Understanding String Theory and how to manipulate it is like understand how to code a program. You want an orange? Take the best, most delicious orange in the world and see what is its combination of strings and patterns, save the "blueprint" and just print out as many as you want as long as you have the material. Have spare material and do not know what to do? Break it down into neutrons and protons and store them as "mass" until you need them to build something. What combination of vibrating patterns allows wormholes or blackholes to form? What combination of vibrating patterns that could resist the heat of the hottest star? What combination of vibrating patterns that allow energy to be stored most efficiently? Etc.

You see, the UNE understands the code of the universe, they could look into infinite alternate realities. They could explore and harness energy safely from a few out 10 dimensions, but they can't cross into them yet. It is because of this they are the most powerful nation in the entire galaxy despite having a relatively small territory (like Vietnam to the world or England to the world in size).


After the fall of Sadera and the death of Emperor Molt, Pina recognized the vassal kingdoms as free nations as part of the surrender agreement. The kingdom of Elbe and Alguna relationship with the UNE reduced from strategic defense partnership to economic partnership since a military alliance with these kingdoms no longer beneficial. After a short exchange of diplomatic communication, they realized that the UNE has no interested in interfering with the native geopolitics as there is no gain in doing so for them.

Despite substantially weakened, the empire is still possessing the military capability far superior to any other kingdom on Falmart. Without the UNE on their side, there is no guarantee that the empire will not conquer them again once the treaty duration ends. Their only chance is to stand together as one, thus they decided to come together and form a new nation. The United Kingdom of Elbe is ruled by a council of kings and the name of Elbe is kept because they have the closest relation with the UNE and the strongest military.

Each king would rule their land the way they see fit while adhering to a set of common laws created by the council. Half of their military was combined and put under the command of a supreme general who was picked by the council and they only mobilized when more than half of the council allow it.

GATE: The United Nations of EarthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant