Chapter 17: "Priority: The Return of The Princess"

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--Oval Office, Presidential Complex, Earth--

It has been over 48 hours since the dinner with the delegation from Spes, President Liam is now on the call with Commander-in-chief Brooklyn after he received a short 10-second video feed from the GIA confirming the Reaper is real and the invasion is already ongoing. The video feed is from a GIA agent from the Outer Ring Sector of the Batarian Nation, he managed to send it before the Reaper found him.

"Mr. President, if the Reapers are here then we probably don't have much time left" CIC Brooklyn says.

"I've ordered the GIA to keep an eye on the Reaper but keep their distance. How's the preparation going?" President Liam asks.

"Slow, Mr. President, we have been stockpiling weapons and defensive platforms in our outermost systems. We have only been making minor improvements, any major changes would attract attention of foreign powers and the population" CIC Brooklyn reports.

The UNE's massive economic power in additional to its advanced technology allows the nation of maintain its military readiness at the highest level at all time. All hardware are always up-to-date, training and wargame happen regularly with a large stockpile of reserve Guardian and Ares lines ships as well as other military equipment. The only way to improve the readiness any higher is to implement wartime policies, which enable conscription and ramp-up military production.

"Do what you can, we don't want a conflict with anyone before the Reaper main force arrive. The GIA is digging up whatever information about the Reaper in the Novea database, hopefully we can use that to our advantage" President Liam says "You're dismissed".

--Briefing Room, HQ building, Fort Alnus--

Ava and the 5th SIF spent the last 2 days help putting things in Alnus town in order. Pina and her knights were airlifted back to Italica along with the released Imperial soldiers to prepare for their long trip back to Sadera capital. King Duran along with a group of advisors as well as engineers was sent to Elbe and Alguna by air. Communication equipment and facilities will be built in each Kingdom for ease of sharing intel. By morning of today, a call from King Duran himself provided General Nguyen a piece of important information.

One of his spies in Sadera sent word that a respectable noble family left the capital for a vacation at their private mansion. The family went against the Emperor's order and brought the other worlders slaves with them, both are women. After hearing the news, General Nguyen immediately passed the information to ISOC for a rescue plan. The 5th SIF was chosen for this mission.

"Commander, I've already sent the detail of this operation to you via TACNet so let's keep this short. Operation Home Coming" General Nguyen says as a holographic image of the mansion appears "Standard rescue op, at 0100 your platoon will be airlifted by D-20Bs to the AO. Two GS-12 gunships will circle above the AO to provide immediate close air support, the enemy won't be seeing them as Spes has no moon so the night is very dark. To make sure it is not a trap like last time, recon drones have been swiping the area around the AO all day and they will continue to provide overwatch as well as taking out target of opportunity".

"2 sir? Isn't that overkill?" Ava is surprised because even 1 GS-12 gunship carries enough firepower to annihilate any modern army.

"They have magic on this world, we don't know what they're fully capable of so it's better to overkill than sorry" General Nguyen replies.

"Rule of engagement sir?" Ava asks.

"Shoot to kill and don't take any chance. Do whatever you must to bring your unit and the hostages back safely, I don't care if you have to slaughter everyone in that mansion" General Nguyen steps closer to Ava and continues "Are we clear?".

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