Chapter 43: "Priority: Welcome Back"

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A/U: I just want to thank everyone, especially those who comment with so much immersion and enthusiasm, despite my horrible English writing *lol*. You always make my day! Hope you continue to enjoy this world, this universe I'm sharing with you


Refugees from fallen nations are pouring into UNE to seek asylum number by millions each day. Indar System has 4 planets and 2 moons that, in theory, could house up to 60 billion refugees planetside. However, with the war against the reaper is getting direr, the UNE need every bit of mass to produce equipment, weapons and ships, not only for itself but also for the Citadel Council and Federation's forces. As the result, all building projects within the Indar system were permanently paused leaving the refugees to live in camps and whatever spaceship they arrived in.

Without the bunkhouses built by the UNE, many refugees from races that require a drastically different environment to survive could not land on the planets or moons. They are, instead, forced to stay on their spaceships and live off UNE's provided food from automatic drones. These ships, however, often damaged while trying to escape the reapers and require constant maintenance to stay in one piece. Spare parts and tools are being printed out by a small repair station orbiting Indar 2 planet are enough to keep up with the needs of these ships for the moment, but as more refugees arriving at an alarming rate, it won't be long before it couldn't sustain the demand anymore.

The number of refugees in the system, counting both planetside and in space, is up to more than 50 billion. It is controversial to whether the UNE should stop taking in refugees and divert all its resources to the war effort. People who align with the idea argue that trying to save the aliens is costing too much valuable resources that could otherwise be spent in fighting the reapers, and if we don't win this war we will all perish anyway. The UNE industry is 100% automated and does not require any labor. Human's technology is too far ahead for alien species to help with the development without decades of study and training. Therefore, the only meaningful way they could help is to enlist in the foreign legion. However, not all species are physically and psychologically capable of fighting war.

The living condition of the refugees are extremely hard. However, when interviewed by a reporter, most of them agree that while they would not chose to live like this, given a choice, they are grateful that the UNE provide them with a place for their families to be safe.

--Somewhere in Rondel, GIA safehouse--

The safehouse is an old, abandon, brothel that was obtained by a merchant who is one of the GIA's assets. In return for his cooperation, the merchant receives valuable information from the UNE about safe trade routes, bandit ambush locations and his competition's movement obtained by the network of surveillance satellites. On the outside, it's a busy warehouse with a constant stream of goods coming in from all over Falmart and out to the vendors in Rondel. On the inside, however, the GIA had set up a surveillance center which is also the command center for all their operation in and around the city.

A small room at the back of the building, one floor up, is being used as an interrogation room. To prevent any noise that might be caused by the interrogation method, a force field was erected in the room for soundproof. Shelly is sitting across the table from the, unconscious, messenger. The 2 chairs, the table are the only furniture beside a dim torch on the wall behind Shelly. The room is dark and extremely quiet. She tabs a button on her holographic pad to send a brain wave signal at the messenger simulating a bucket of ice-cold water got splashed on his face which wakes him up instantly and in shock.

"Wh...What" the messenger wakes up expecting to be cold wet but he is not. He looks around the dark room and mumble "Wh...where...where am I?".

"Welcome back, handsome" Shelly says.

GATE: The United Nations of EarthUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum