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Savannah prayed the entire time on her drive to the hospital. Realizing she could lose him made her recognize how much she loved him. She just needed him to be okay. When she arrived she kept her distance as she watched his family in the waiting room. Everyone was teary eye scaring her half to death wondering if he had succumbed to his injuries. Savannah felt her heart beat rapidly near her ribcage. 

Grace saw her from the distance and invited her to come over. Everyone's spirit lifted when they saw her and knew she was here because of her love for Johnathan. Savannah hated to intrude but everyone welcomed her with warm hugs and open arms. " A drunk driver ran the red light and slammed into his car and he made it out safely with a few scratches and a sore arm." Thomas began. "Yes, it's a miracle he is alive," Elijah said. Savannah realized these were tears of joy and gratitude to God for saving him. Grace hugged Savannah, "He will be happy to see you."

What would she say? She did not think that far ahead. Speak from the heart, she heard her inner voice tell her. When she saw him her heart leaped with joy. Savannah met him praying with his father.

Dear God, 

Tonight I almost died but you were right there with me never leaving me or forsaking me. You know the plans you have for me and it was not my time to go. I appreciate life, my family, and you Lord. My life is yours. Thank you that there were no deaths tonight but the gift of life. Complete your work in me and let my life always bring you glory and praise. Bring back the love of my life Savannah to me. I could not bear to go without seeing her again. Thank you for preserving my life. 


After praying Johnathan opened his eyes and saw her. He could not believe his eyes. Savannah cried finally seeing and appreciating him. Johnathan's father knew this was a special moment and left the room to give them privacy. 

"Hello," Savannah said. Johnathan rehearsed this moment over and over again in his head but did not know what to say. Here was the answer to his prayers right before his eyes. Savannah stood at the foot of his bed holding back tears. She was amazed that he was so different. The prayer touched her and seeing him made her relieved. He stretched out his hand yearning for her touch. 

Savannah smiled and gladly took his hand. They stood in silence staring into each other's eyes,  

"You gave us quite a scare," Savanah said. He held onto her hand refusing to let it go. 

"You are not getting rid of me that easily," Johnathan teased. Savannah smiled and ran her hands over the cut on his face. "I am so grateful that you are okay," she confessed. 

"Thank you," he said locking eyes with her. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Thank you for coming," he said. 

"Savannah, I am truly sorry about everything," he said. "I know you are," she said.  

"Savannah my feelings have not changed. I love you," he said speaking directly to her. Savannah looked at him no longer afraid to share her true feelings. Johnathan held on to every word she said.

"I love you too," she said. Johnathan's heart leaped for joy knowing God had answered his prayers and brought her back to him. He gently hugged her not wanting to let go of this moment knowing their lives would be transformed forever.

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