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Savannah looked across the room filled with happy faces staring back at her. She knew Johnathan's family from work but the dinner was different, inviting, and warm. It seemed as if they already accepted her into their family. She appreciated the kindness they showed toward her. Over the past few weeks, she was getting used to coming out as Johnathan's love interest. Everyone seemed intrigued and excited about the pairing as different as they were. 

She sat silently enjoying the scrumptious meal and adjusting to her new reality. Johnathan watched her closely as they sat next to each other. He knew right away when she was judging the situation and self-guessing the arrangement. He picked up on her mannerism and delighted in knowing when she was happy, annoyed, excited, or distant. Johnathan slipped in hands in hers drawing her attention towards him. "Relax," he whispered searching her eyes. Savannah was also learning the little displays of affection in public that was new to her. The kiss on the cheeks, the spontaneous hugs, the gentle touch on the back, and the arms interlocking. She felt Johnathan was too good at playing this game. To everyone especially their family they were in love.

"Savannah, you are a breath of fresh air compared to the women my son dated in the past," Grace Maxwell smiled. "I am so happy for you and my son," Grace said getting emotional and coming close to tears. Savannah's heart felt heavy suddenly realizing others were invested in this relationship. "Thank you for your compassion and warmth," Savannah managed to say extending her hands to Grace. Inwardly, this was killing Savannah. Johnathan's family was so wonderful. She hated that this was all simply pretending. 

"Don't do anything to mess this up," Thomas teased. "My sediments exactly," Elijah added. Savannah smiled realizing Johnathan was dead meat if he screwed up this relationship. Jacob Maxwell was happy but kept his judgments to himself. He liked Savannah and thought she was excellent for his son. However, he was more worried about Johnathan and was interested if this relationship would mature him. 

"So Savannah is there anything interesting you would like the family to know about you? What are your hobbies and passions?" Jacob asked curiously. "Dad, this is not an interview," Johnathan said stepping in annoyed by his dad. "Johnathan, it's okay," Savannah smiled squeezing his hands gently. He gasped inwardly. Being close to her these days, touching and holding her, smelling her favorite cologne on her skin was driving him crazy. He realized being around her made him like her even more.  

"Thank you for asking Sir," Savannah answered. It was nice to have Johnathan's father want to really know her. "I am passionate about youth, and community initiatives. In addition, I am a painter and photographer in my spare time," she admitted. Johnathan was intrigued. He did not know about her artistic side and realized there was more to Savannah than what meets the eye. She was unique and extraordinary in more ways than one. His eyes lit up and he could not wait to see her artwork. 

Jacob saw the sparkle in his son's eyes. It was obvious he had feelings for Savannah and Jacob could not be happier. "You must bring some of your work," Grace said enthusiastically. "I will be delighted," Savannah said. 

As the dinner continued and the conversations grew Johnathan looked on amazed by Savannah. He whispered in her ears, "I can't wait to see your work." Savannah giggled as his lips tickled her ears and she looked into his eyes. She saw that he was genuinely interested and it pleased her. After the dinner, Johnathan and Savannah said their goodbyes. Everyone including Johnathan's parents, brother's and their wives hugged her goodbye. Savannah was feeling the love demonstrated by this family. 

As they walked towards the car he snuggled close to her. He said, Is it okay that I kiss you?"  "Why?" Savannah asked in shock. "It would appear more believable because the family is watching us," he said not daring to look over his shoulder. Savannah felt her head spin. "I am not good at kissing," she muttered under her breath. "I doubt that. You never had the right partner," he smiled. "Please, " he begged. Savannah glared at him realizing he was not giving up. "Make it quick before I change my mind," she said frustrated. 

Johnathan held her gently in his arms as he leaned close to the car. He softly pressed his lips against hers and explored her sweet lips. The kiss got deeper prompting Savannah to stop him by stepping back. Her lips burned from his kiss. Savannah never kissed anyone like that and it literally took her breath away. Johnathan was impacted by the kiss as well. Savannah made him feel so alive.  

"Let the poor girl breathe," Elijah teased. Johnathan laughed watching her closely. He knew she would not admit it but that kiss did something to her as well. 

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