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Savannah continued to work silently the entire day praying for the most part for a miracle. She felt better confessing her problems to Kyra. But she needed a sudden blessing to deal with it all. She snapped out of her thoughts when Kyra came with a broad smile."Did you hear?" Kyra said with delight. "Jonathan Maxwell is treating the staff to lunch," Kyra said. "Nice," Savannah agreed. It was a delight to be pampered with a nice meal to forget her problems even for a brief movement. 

The Maxwells were good to their staff at Millennium International Advertising. Mr. Jacob Maxwell, the CEO was professional, articulate, and a stern but fair leader. His sons with their handsome features had the women in a frenzy at the company. Thomas Maxwell, the eldest was married and the legal mind of the company. He was a corporate lawyer quite excellent and knowledgeable at his job and the company's affairs. Next, Elijah Maxwell was also married and the lead accountant at the company. He was a financial genius. Elijah ensured the company was performing optimally financially. Johnathan Maxwell was the youngest and a rebel who refused to settle down. He was the lead advertiser, management, and negotiator for the company. Johnathan wore many hats but also was a bachelor. Women were drawn to him like a magnet and flirted with him often. Savannah was most impressed with their story of hard work leading to riches. Gloria and Jacob Maxwell were Christians who did not hide their faith and love for God. Thus, they instilled strong values, ethics, and principles in their sons.  Savannah found the family successful, articulate, driven, and loving. 

"Let's go and eat. We need this," Kyra said bringing Savannah out of her deep thoughts. Savannah grabbed her bag and laughed as she was whisked away by Kyra to the restaurant where the staff was advised to get their free lunch. 

Johnathan watched most of the staff eating and enjoying their meals. It warmed his heart to see the staff happy. Johnathan knew he got that from his dad. They believed in rewarding and encouraging their staff so they could give optimum performance. He wanted a reason to brighten up Savannah's day without raising suspicion. Thus, he brought everyone to one of the new restaurants the company had invested in. Johnathan knew that it was a win for the company all around. The new business and hype from the employees would make the restaurant even more popular. His eyes nestled on Savannah Nottage. 

Johnathan's phone rang and he briefly got distracted. "Yes, see what all you can find out. Do a thorough search about her background and forward the information as soon as possible," Jonathan instructed Paul Simon, his private investigator. Johnathan forward the name Savannah Nottage to him. Johnathan looked up at her table. Savannah's smile drew him in and he scolded himself for never noticing her before. She was beautiful and breathtaking especially when you took the time to really look at her. Her smile and warmth spoke volumes. Johnathan took his time greeting several of his employees casually before approaching her table.                                                                                                                              

"Hunk alert," Kyra whispered to Savannah as Johnathan Maxwell approached their table. "Ladies, how are you?" he smiled. "Good, Mr. Maxwell," Kyra nodded. Johnathan's blue eyes narrowed in on Savannah and he could not keep his eyes off her. Her lovely brown eyes, soft brown hair, and vibrant smile. Johnathan took it all in and realized how rare and beautiful she was. "Johnathan," he said. "Thank you, so much for the lunch," Savannah said. His blue eyes continued to look at her intensely and she did not even notice. "You are welcomed," he smiled and said his goodbyes. 

"What was that?" Kyra asked when he was gone. "What do you mean?" Savannah asked completely lost. "That man was checking you out," Kyra giggled. "No way," Savannah said finding it hard to believe. Johnathan Maxwell was way out of her league, and she was not his type. What could he possibly want with her?

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