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Kyra Evans knew right away Savannah was not at her best. She knew her friend well enough to determine she was overwhelmed. They became good friends six years when they arrived as secretaries at Millennium International Advertisement. As they began preparing files Kyra commanded her friend's attention. "Are you alright?" Kyra asked sympathetically. "I'm good," Savannah said avoiding her eyes. How could she tell her that everything was wrong? Kyra did not accept her friend's explanation. "Maria cover for us," Kyra instructed one of her colleagues and pulled her friend into one of the conference rooms.

"Kyra we have work to do," Savannah protested as Kyra dragged her into the room. "I know you are not alright. You can't fool me," Kyra said sternly. "Kyra, I can't do this now," Savannah said starting to tear up. She touched both eyes trying to stop and conceal the tears from falling.  Kyra drew closer to her friend. "It's okay," Kyra said pulling her into her arms. Suddenly, Savannah broke and started to cry. Kyra held her tighter to confirm she was there for her. "Kyra, I can't be like this at work," Savannah admitted disappointed in giving in her emotions.

"Savannah, you do not have to be strong around me. I know a lot has been on your plate after your father's death. You are only human and I get it. You don't have to hide what's going on. I am your friend through thick and thin," Kyra reminded her. Savannah held her hand and smiled. "Thank you always for your support," Savannah said squeezing Kyra's hand gently. "Now, what is the real issue at hand," Kyra encouraged her to reveal the truth.

Savannah took a deep breath and braced herself against the wall. She closed her eyes and began, "Everything is wrong. My dad is deceased. I miss him like crazy. I am drowning in hospital bills, overdue mortgages, and future college fees. I don't make enough to maintain and pay all these bills," Savannah confessed. Kyra felt the heaviness of it all. "I am so sorry. I had no idea it was so bad," she said worriedly. "Perhaps, I can loan you some funds," Kyra suggested. "No way. You and your husband are saving for the down payment on your new home. I can't ask you to sacrifice that money," Savannah scolded her. Kyra paced the room. "But you need the help, I can't leave you stranded," Kyra suggested. Savannah took her friend's hand. "I appreciate your loyalty but you can't take this on," Savannah indicated. 

"God will help me. I just must be patient and stay faithful," Savannah said trying not to be even more overwhelmed by the situation.  Kyra hated that there was nothing she could do for her friend. "Your moral support is all I need," Savannah said being comforted that she was able to release the burden of it all. They embraced again. "Let's get back to work," Savannah suggested. Kyra nodded wishing she could change the situation. They headed back to their workstations.

Jonathan Maxwell stood silently in the background. Savannah Nottage and Kyra Mckenzie had no idea he was behind the closed door. He did not mean to eavesdrop but he heard the entire conversation. Savannah Nottage was one of the company's best secretaries. He did not know her personally but felt compassion for her. She was different from many of the women at the company. He worked with her on a few occasions. Savannah was always professional and never notice him. Some of the women flirted but she was one of the rare few who was unnerved or unimpressed by his good looks. 

However, he had noticed her. Her character, beauty, and work ethic had impressed him early on. Savannah needed help and he had the perfect solution. The challenge would be to convince her to play along. 

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