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Johnathan was pleased to have this opportunity to talk with Savannah. "Burning the midnight oil?" he said. Savannah smiled and said, "Yes sir." He saw a passion and excitement in her he never noticed before. He realized youth and community were very important to her. "I hate leaving you alone. It's getting pretty late. Are you ready to leave? If not I will stay a little while longer," he suggested. 

Savannah was surprised by his offer. He showed a softer and kinder side of himself and she was more impressed by it. "Thank you for the offer," she smiled. "But I think I better be going," Savannah continued. She knew her mother would be calling her soon concerned about her whereabouts. She gathered her bags and shut down the computer. The entire time he stood patiently watching her. Savannah felt a bit awkward having him there. Johnathan was paying more attention to her than usual and she was trying to be cordial and respectful.  It was new for her and she was not used to a man paying her all this attention.

"I would love to escort you to your car just for safety and precaution," he said. "Okay," she said as they both walked to the elevator. Savannah smiled to herself knowing Kyra would get a kick out of all of this. As they stood in the elevator Savannah hugged her bag nervously. Johnathan placed his hands in his pocket and remained silent. Why was he feeling so nervous? Savannah brought him back to feelings he had in high school when he first met a girl he liked. It was strange and he couldn't explain it. 

They both walked silently toward her car. Savannah attempted to start her car but encountered problems. "It won't start," she said frustrated. The last thing Savannah needed was car trouble on top of the rising debt. "Let me check the hood," Johnathan said rolling up his sleeves. He opened up her hood and looked inside. Savannah was surprised by how helpful he was. "Savannah, I am sorry to tell you that your car isn't moving tonight. Your battery is dead and the spark plugs may need to change," Johnathan indicated. Bummer, Savannah thought. "I guess I better call a cab," she said starting to lock up the car. "No, you will not. I will take you home," Johnathan said.

"I don't want to intrude on your time. You don't have to do this," she said. "As for the car I will have the company mechanic check it out for you," he suggested. "I don't have the funds to pay the mechanic. Savannah started to feel overwhelmed and he could see she was becoming flustered. He touched her gently on the shoulder. "Savannah, it's okay. We can work out the details later. Let me do this for you," he said. Savannah looked up at him trying to hold back tears. She thought she was okay but everything felt heavy now and was weighing her down. The last thing she wanted was to break down in front of him. Johnathan knew that she was worried about the money. His heart went out to her. Savannah nodded and followed him to his car. There was nothing she could do about it now. His kindness towards her was unexpected and she had her reservations about it all. Why was he being so nice to her?

Johnathan did not like the silence from Savannah. She had given him the directions and he could feel the walls go up. Savannah ignored the beauty and luxury of his car and was in her head the entire time. She was between a rock and a hard place. The tears threatened to fall and she tried her hardest to hold them back. Her phone rang and startled her. "I'm okay Mom. I will be home soon," she said. Johnathan picked up the crackling in her voice and pulled into his driveway. "What are you doing?" Savannah said shocked. "You are not okay," he said gently. "You can trust me," he indicated offering his hand for her to follow him. 

"What do you want?" she asked trying not to give in and growing suspicious. His blue eyes centered directly on her. "Just to talk," he said. Savannah hated feeling vulnerable at the moment but the financial burden heavily wayed on her. The car situation made her feel worse. "Just please take me home," she begged. "I will after we talk and you let out what you are feeling," he suggested.   Savannah reluctantly followed him. They sat on his patio watching the waves crash near the shore.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked again trying to get her comfortable. Savannah closed her eyes and the tears she tried to hold back escaped down her cheeks. Johnathan swallowed the gulp in his throat feeling her pain and discomfort at the moment. Why did he care so much? It was only a few days ago he hatched his plan and noticed her. Now he could not get her out of his thoughts. He wanted her to be happy and at peace.

"I know you don't know me well enough to talk to me. But I am offering you a listening ear and no judgment," he said. Savannah was very quiet wondering if to let this stranger in. This time she could not stop crying. Johnathan did not wait for an invite anymore. He pulled her into a hug and said," It's okay."

Savannah finally gave in and hugged him back. It was brief until she pulled away. "Sorry," Savannah apologized. "You don't need to apologize," he said softly. "Look quite honestly I don't know why you care. I am having some problems financially. My problems are not yours but mines," she said. 

Johnathan realize it was a sensitive moment and did not want to make his request just yet. He needed Savannah to be comfortable and open to his request and see the benefits of it all. "I can help you if you would allow me to," he said. "Think about it and in time let me know what you decide," he said sympathetically. The last thing Johnathan wanted to do was force her or rushed her into a decision. Savannah had to feel in full control of this narrative because he needed her to agree on her terms. 

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