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Savannah read the email a few times again and again. An insurance company was trying to contact her for months in regard to her father's death. Apparently, her father had opened up the policy when he lived in Miami with the company and never closed it. His wife and daughter's names were listed as beneficiaries. Savannah was the only child her parents had at this time. After her parents moved to another state the policy continued as a term life. Savannah and her mother had to claim the five hundred thousand policy. Savannah praised God, This was the miracle she was praying for. She could now leave the advertising company, pay Johnathan back and finally go after her dreams. 

Over the past few days, she did a lot of soul-searching and realized Johnathan was not the only guilty party.  She had agreed to the arrangement so she had to take responsibility for her part. She appreciated her mother and brothers not pushing her for an immediate explanation but she could not stay silent about it all. She talked with Johnathan's parents and gave her apologies about what happened. Savannah stepped out of her comfort zone and even gave Grace Maxwell one of her paintings. The Maxwells were beyond disappointed. They felt Savannah was the best thing to happen to their son. The hardest sit down was with her family. Savannah revealed everything leaving them all stunned.

"But you both were so good together," Bradley said disappointed. Kristen was sad at the outcome. He really liked Johnathan. "Savannah you should have told us about the mortgage and other bills. This was too much for you to carry on your own. We are your family and would of like to have a chance to support and help you when you needed us," Victoria stated. "I just did not want to burden you all," Savannah admitted. "Baby, you have to trust us with the good and bad," Victoria said. "Sis, he did pay off these major bills. I think he really cares for you," Kristen said. Savannah squeezed Kristen's hand. She was afraid her brothers would get too attached to Johnathan. "He does not care about her he loves her," Bradley pointed out. "Boys, we are supporting your sister with whatever decision she makes," Victoria said. "Of course, we support you, sis. We love you Savannah but are you sure you do not love him?" Bradley asked.

What was happening here? Savannah thought. "Are you guys on his side?" Savannah asked. "Not at all, " Kristen admitted. "The arrangement and how you came together was wrong but I think he fell in love with you along the way. He told us he loved you," Bradley said. "Okay let's let your sister figure this out," Victoria encouraged her sons. They both hugged Savannah and left the room. Victoria embraced her daughter knowing this was hard for her. This was more than complicated because love emerged from an unlikely situation. 

Johnathan was not himself for days. Savannah refused to talk to him and his family was disappointed when they learned about the arrangement.  Johnathan felt torn that the woman he loved did not want to be with him and it hurt really badly. He could not even function at work and felt lost. But in his pain, he found something that he least expected a prayer life. Johnathan prayed, cried out, and talked to God about his feelings. His parents always told him he was the prayer warrior of the family but he lost himself in friends and partying over the years. As he sat alone in his home his parents came and checked on him.

"Mom and Dad, what are you doing here?" Johnathan asked as they opened the door. "To check on you son," Grace said holding his hands. "I know I messed up and don't know how to fix this," he said. Jacob looked at his son concerned. He never saw him so broken and distant. He realized that his son's feelings ran deeper and this scenario could change his life. "Son, this is not the path I wanted you to go down. But it's already done. You have to get up and keep moving if you want things to change," Jacob Maxwell suggested. "I am sorry Mom and Dad for all the lies. In my attempt to get that inheritance, I hurt the person I really care about," Johnathan said sadly.

"Do you love her?" Grace asked her son directly.  "I do," Johnathan admittted.  "Then fight for her," Jacob said. "She does not want to see me or talk to me. I may have lost her," Johnathan admitted. "Johnathan Maxwell, when did you label yourself a quitter? It will take time but you have to do this thing the right way if you want her in your life," Jacob informed him. "I want her for the long run," Johnathan admitted.  

"What's important to her?" Grace asked. "God, family, youth, community, charity, art, photography, values, standards, truth," Johnathan admitted. "Money, a handsome face, and status do not impress her," Johnathan continued. "You have to be your authentic self. No games, no lies, no ulterior motives. Allow God to lead you and build a foundation," Grace advised her son. "Son, a relationship has to be built on honesty and truth. If you want a future with her, you will have to change and become the man God wants you to be," Jacob said giving him a hug. Johnathan felt emotional at that moment and he shed a few tears on his dad's shoulder.  

"Honey, you have found a gem and we definitely approve," Grace continued. Johnathan hugged his mother. "I guess you have found something to ground you?" Jacob asked. "Indeed," Jonathan admitted. His dad nodded pleased with his son. Johnathan brought tears to their eyes. "Mom and Dad, let's pray," he said holding their hands. 

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