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Savannah waited to talk to Johnathan all day. During her break, she walked downstairs to see her car. She was shocked to see the extra work that was put into it. Besides the immediate problems that were fixed, it was serviced and cleaned thoroughly. She knew all of this was because of Johnathan. If she did not recognize it before it was obvious this man was doing everything to make her comfortable.

The questions she had resurfaced in her mind were How did she feel about this? What were his expectations? Savannah saw a kind side to him and she appreciated it. God knows she was happy not to have another problem weigh her down but at what cost? Savannah was not naive to know that there was something more. 

Johnathan got back to the office pretty late. He had prepared the budget for the charity program he wanted Savannah to spare head. He knew she would be pleased with the initiatives and plans to assist the various youth programs. It was important to her so it became important to him. As soon as he settled in a bit he heard a knock at his door. 

"Can I come in?" Savannah asked. Most of the staff had left for the day so she saw it as the perfect opportunity for them to talk privately.  As soon as she entered he thought about how beautiful she looked. He was so used to seeing her in business suits but today she wore a lovely dress that complimented her perfectly.

"Come in?" Johnathan said. Savannah took a deep breath because she was about to set the record straight. "How are you?" she asked. "I am fine," he said watching her closely. "The other night I was not myself. I apologize for sharing all my problems," she began. "I was not looking to make you sorry for me or a handout," she said.

"There is no need to apologize," Johnathan said. "You were simply expressing how you were feeling and I was happy to be there for you," he admitted. "Also, I want to thank you for the work you got done on the car. However, you don't owe me anything and you don't have to do any of this. I am not a charity case or damsel in distress. If I came across as needy it was not my intention but I intend to pay you back," she said.

Jonathan stood and walked around his desk to face her. He saw her walls going up. He wanted to look her in the eyes when he made his next statement. "Savannah Nottage, I do not do anything unless I want to. Has it ever occurred to you that I like you and find pleasure in helping you? You are a beautiful person who hit a financial crisis due to circumstances beyond your control. I simply want to help you," he expressed. Johnathan truly believed in her and genuinely wanted to be there for her despite his motives. 

Savannah forgot how tall and handsome he was. She softly gasped as he towered over her taking her breath away. His blue eyes always seemed to be searching hers with intensity and desperation that she never saw before. "Would you be so kind to compile a file of all the money you spent on me so I can pay you back?" she said sternly. Johnathan could not blame her for standing up for herself and speaking her truth. A complete stranger wanted to help her beyond her wildest expectations and she needed to know all the dynamics behind it. 

"Savannah, I am not expecting anything from you," he said gently. "Sir, I am a Christian. I won't compromise my beliefs and values for you. Your money and gifts will not change who I am. I hope you are not doing all of this to sleep with me," she stated firmly. "It's not happening," she indicated sternly. Johnathan stood in front of her speechless for a moment. He was not used to this side of her and loved how direct she was because she had no idea where he was coming from. 

"That's not what this is about," he explained. "I will never want you to compromise your standards," Johnathan admitted. "What is this all about?" she said softly.  Jonathan felt his heart racing. "Please be honest with me. What do you really want?" Savannah asked searching his eyes for the truth. 

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