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Johnathan was frustrated over the next few weeks. Everything was going perfectly between him and Savannah. Angela just disrupted what would have been the night he placed the diamond ring on her finger. It would have made everything official. It took so much for her to trust him and go along with the plan. Now having her not all in was devasting. He was trying to do everything to make it up to her. He just needed time alone with her but she kept coming up with excuses. 

He kept going over that night and what would have made her put up those walls again? It finally hit him. The virgin comment must have been embarrassing for her. Johnathan closed his eyes and felt even more guilty. Was he being fair to Savannah? It was obvious she waited this long for marriage and to be with someone she loved. His arrange marriage scheme perhaps changed her plans. In the beginning, it was all an arrangement when he first approached her. But now he cared for her so much. He got to know her, her family, and her story. He loved every aspect of her life. Johnathan searched himself and wished he could be that man for her. Could he be falling in love with Savannah?

Savannah knew she had avoided him long enough. He had begged to see her that Sunday evening and she told him she would think about it. She went with her family to church. Savannah stopped and talked with the youth pastor about the youth program before settling into the service. The youth pastor liked Savannah but was too shy to approach her. Johnathan saw the exchange between the two and was bothered this man was flirting with her. He was jealous and looked at both of them wondering if he should approach her. The last thing he wanted to do was overstepped or intrude upon her boundaries. 

Savannah looked up and saw him. His persistence sometimes was overwhelming. She told him and he showed up. He looked so handsome in his suit and white shirt. This man got her angry and excited all at once. She could not explain her sudden attraction to him. She invited him over and the youth pastor stood shocked wondering who this man was. "Hi," Johnathan said gently. "Pastor Matthew this is my boyfriend, Johnathan," she said. Pastor Matthew and Johnathan looked stunned at her words. "Nice to meet you," Pastor Matthew said extending his hands. Johnathan shook his hands appreciating that she was finally seeing him as a permanent figure in her life.

Johnathan sat next to Savannah and her family. Johnathan enjoyed the service and was convicted as the pastor preached about transforming into the new you by following God's purpose for your life. He listened and pondered the scriptures from the lesson. When the service was over Savannah walked Johnathan to his car.

"Pastor Matthew likes you. Do you like him?" Johnathan said breaking the ice. "Are you jealous Johnathan?" Savannah teased. "Completely," he said. She looked at him and felt every emotion coming from his heart. That moment was different for her. "So I am your boyfriend?" he asked excitedly. "Maybe," she teased. He pulled her into a hug, "I have missed you so much." Savannah excepted his embrace.

Savannah looked around the huge house. Johnathan showed her. Why did he bring her here? He showed her several rooms and intentionally stopped at a huge room with amazing lighting. "This could be your art room. The perfect place for your artwork and photographs," he continued. 

When she turned around, he was on his knees. "This is our new home Savannah. Let's make it official. Will you marry me?" he asked opening up the velvet box. Savannah gasped at the sight of the engagement ring. This was all becoming so real now. Was she ready to do this? She took a deep breath and nodded yes. Johnathan slipped the diamond engagement ring on her fingers and kissed her hands. He could not wait for this beautiful woman to become his wife. 

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