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Savannah felt as if she was caught up in a fairytale for the next few weeks. Perhaps, things really were moving too quickly with them. They had met each other's family. What's next? she thought as she got dressed for the dinner date. Johnathan had so many surprises up his sleeves it made her anxious about what was next. After she agreed to marry him he never left her side. It was confusing at times trying to compare and contrast what was real or fake. For a fake boyfriend he was fantastic, Savannah thought. 

Her mother watched her daughter get dressed and look amazing in a white summer dress that made her look beautiful. "Honey, you are a sight for sore eyes," she admired her. "Thanks, mom," she said. "He's here?" her mother beamed going downstairs. Savannah closed her eyes and felt in her gut this night would change her life. 

Johnathan fumbled with the engagement ring in his pocket. "Why am I nervous? he scolded himself. This was arranged and the engagement was soon to follow. Nevertheless, his going down on his knees to do it felt so real.  From day one his heart called out for her and nothing had changed since then. If anything it grew more intense since then. He liked Savannah a lot but what he was feeling lately felt like more. 

Savannah took a sip of her cider and watched him closely across the dinner table. She smiled more than often tonight and actually enjoyed his company. She did not want to admit it but she really liked Johnathan. It was surprising and unexpected to her. Their conversation was light and they simply basked in each other's presence. " I have something to show you," he said as they finished dessert. "Okay," Savannah said. "Let's go," he said leaving a tip and gently holding her hands.

As they exited the restaurant in high spirits Johnathan came face to face with Angela his past girlfriend from two years ago.  He regretted allowing her into his life. "Johnny," she said intrigued. Angela saw him as the one who got away. "You look good do you want to get together?" She flirted ignoring Savannah. "Angela," Johnathan said gaining his composure. "Are you insane? I am standing here with my girlfriend," he said angrily. "Sorry," she muttered dissatisfied. Angela's eyes looked at Savannah from head to toe. "Wow, your preferences have changed. She looks too nice for you." Angela said in disgust.

"Angela, we are not together," Johnathan reminded her. Savannah touched him gently as if to say not to get upset. Angela was rude to her but she would not encourage Johnathan to be nasty toward her.

Angela continued to be annoying. "Good riddance to you and Virgin Mary," she said as she went into the restaurant.  "Sorry about that," Johnathan said upset with Angela's immaturity. Savannah let go of his hands and instantly he felt the walls going back up again. Johnathan's heart broke to see her impacted by Angela's words. "Please take me home," Savannah requested. He tried to speak. "Don't," Savannah ignored him heading to the car. They drove back to her house until he detoured to his own. 

"Johnathan, I don't want to be here with you," she said. "I know but we have to clear this up. I can't have you dwelling on this," he said. "Talk to me Savannah and I promise to carry you home," he said gently. 

"How long were you two together?" Savannah asked. "Two miserable years. She cheated on me with a business associate. Angela is a social climber. She is not loyal to anyone," Johnathan said. "But yet you were with her," Savannah said ignoring his eyes. "I was a fool. Superficial stuff was too important to me. But I realize the heart is what I want," he continued.  "What are we doing Johnathan? I am not your type. I am not like these women you have dated. Perhaps, you would be happier with someone else in this arrangement," Savannah confessed. 

"You don't have to settle with me," Savannah continued. Johnathan felt sad about her feelings and revelations. "Are you for real Savannah? There is nothing like you. In fact, there is nothing better than you. I would not trade this right here and the memories we built with anyone else. I want you and only you to be in this with me," he said holding her hands. 

Savannah saw the sincerity in his eyes. But Angela hit a nerve. Savannah was happy to be a Christian and uphold the values and standards dear to her heart. However, Angela brought her to reality. She was different from the women in Johnathan's past. She truly was waiting for marriage to be with the man God had for her. But this marriage was not real and she was not going to compromise who she was. The self-doubt emerged again. She was marrying a man who did not love her? How could she be comfortable going into such an important covenant with someone when it was all a sham? Would marrying Johnathan alter her destiny?

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