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There was a knock at the door around 7:30.
I got up from my seat and started running towards the door but Grace pushed me out of the way and opened the door.

"Hi..." says Brenden

"Hi... you can't see Ca-" I grabbed the back of Grace's shirt and pulled her back a bit.

"You are truly evil." I said letting go.

"Pfft in bed maybe." She made the 'o' face but kinda smiling and high fived herself.

"Ummmmmmm............" said Brendan looking very uncomfortable.

"You can go if you want," says Sammy walking into the room.

Brendan grabbed my arm and started running.

"Have fun you two!!!!!" Shouted Grace.

Brendan let go of my arm as we slowed near the elevator.

I literally couldn't stop laughing.

"You good?" He asks pressing the button.

"Yeah... totally," I answered smoothing my dress. "Sorry about them." Just as I said that someone tapped my shoulder.

"Love you too Cat...." Sammy says putting my purse on my shoulder. "Brendan to let you know she fucking insane." I started blushing at this point. "and she always talks about you. And how much sh-" I slapped her before she could finish.

The elevator finally opened sand we stepped in.

----time skip to date thingy---

"You look really nice," Brendan said as we sat down.

"Thanks...." I said blushing.

"Why are they so frikkin weird?"

"I don't know, I guess I attract weird people."

"What the hell does that mean?" He said a bit quieter.

"You're weird and my friends are weird...... So why, I'm a weird magnet."

"Sure you are.."

We had eaten and made small talk. Around 9 o'clock we left.
He parked is car at a park and got out first. He opened the door for me next.

"You're not going to kill me are you?"

"No.... I'm just proving your 'weird' statement." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the swings.

"Yeah definitely proven."

"Sit!" He demanded.

"Kay," I chirp. I sat dow and he sat beside me facing the other direction.

"Is this good?" He asks.

"What?" I say tilting my head to the side.

"The.. the date....?" He asked looking embarrassed.

"Wow.... Um..... best date I've had in a long ass time."

"Good" he says nodding his head.

Hi so uh... sorry.
You guys could uh help me and tell me what you think or something.

Just a suggestion.



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