We walk into the company head quarters that reminded me of the Silence hq from YBC.
I giggle to myself just thinking about its funny.
We walk farther in and meant that girl who I talked to.

"Um I'm Holly."



"Samantha, or Sam, or Sammy."

"Kay!!!" She took us to the recording room.
"This is where you guys will record!!!" She exclaimed. God she's happy.
"I'm sorry guys. We have competitions here about how many people we can sign who have really strong and good talent."
"Oh fine.... we are just your profit aren't we?"i joked.
"No not really." she answered "kind of... We get part of your profit. So yeah!!!!"
"Your silly." I replied.
"Thank you, thank you" Holly said bowing. "This is were you will record! And I hope that soon."
We talked a while longer. Finally she forced us to leave.
We walked out of the building and towards the car.
We all got in me sitting in the back.

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