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"Who were you texting bt dubs?" Asked Sammy
"Brendan," I mumbled.
"Who?!" She shouted.
"Omg!!!!!" Shouted Grace.
"Oh Gawd. Just leave my life alone." I whined.
"Never!" they shouted in unison.
"I've never budded in on your life. Have I?"
"A lot of times." answered Sammy.
"Well leave me alone!!!!" I whined.
"Nope. Your life is also ours," said Sammy.
"Assbutts..." I mumbled.
"Oh uh dad called he said the impala is trashed, and that your the reason moms dead," responded Sammy.
"Where's the salt!?" Shouted Grace.
I rolled my eyes and stood up so we were face to face to face.
"Sammy, John dies episode 1 season 2
"JERK!!!!! We just traded places Dean. And I don't know were the salt is Grace."
"I know!!!!" I responded. "Why the hell are we so weird?"
"'Cuz we're drunk.... Always." responded Grace.
"That's a good song." I state.
"You like it because it's sung by your boyfriend." fired back Sammy.
"Oh shut up. You ass-hat." I mumble, looking down at my phone to start texting again.
'SOS!!!' I sent this to Brendan and waited for a response.
'Why?' He texted back a few seconds later.
'Sammy and Grace.'
'Ha! I told you they were weird'
'Fine fifty points to Slytherin!'
'I find myself more as a Hufflepuff man if I do say so my self.'
'Hell no man. You aren't either. Ummm how about... Grifindor!!!!'
'K then.'
'Omg*face palm*'
'Have you ever seen or read TFIOS?'
'Maybe. isn't it that stupid cancer book that everyone went cra cra over.'
'1st off it isn't stupid. 2ndly yes.'
'Yeah Sarah tried to make me read it. I tried I honestly did then the 'virgin circle' thing was there and I just kinda...'
'Sure, but yeah got there, then just no' (A/N sorry just wanted to say Brendan Urie is turning into my friend maremar23 with the quiff and all.)
'Far point. Would it be wrong if I asked you about Sarah?' I texted. I really shouldn't have but I did. Oh god I sent it.

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