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I checked my phone to see if any one texted. Which some one did.
This is what it said.
'You have really weird friends. I feel bad for you. But then again I have more weirder friends. Jk they are cool. With bad ass hair. Including you. Um anyways, have fun be safe and do drugs✌️ Wait! What?🙊 hehe'
I laughed my ass off when I read this. But responded calmly.
'Hehe thanks. I've heard awesome or cool about my hair.😸 You've officially boosted my confidence to a 9.991. 🙀 idk! I'm sorry I'm really am weird. Bad combo you and I.😿'

I sent it and waited. I waited about 4 or 5 seconds before the little three bubbles appeared.
'I don't find us to be a bad combo. Y do U?😥'
I read this and texted back
'No no it's not you its me... 🙀 omg when did we get married!?!!! I haven't even been on tour!!!!!!!'
I sent it hoping that wouldn't do anything.
Few seconds later the bubbles appeared!
'Ah I don't remember!!!!!! Fuck!!!!! Sorry 😼 but I can't married right and its tots u!'
I responded.
It can be yours if you change u change your name to Cat'
Sent. The bubbles.
' I was to lazy to type Cat okay!? I'm sorry 😼 I'll find new emojis. Plz take me back!'

'Omfg you can't just come back into my life. I'm sorry Bren. Jk.😺!!!!'
Bubbles appeared.
'Plz in begging yeh!!!! Jk. I'm not that desperate.'
'Yes you are!'
'No I'm not 😼!'
' fine whatever you say Mr. I-have-no-friends-or-life.'
'God your brutal. I'm not coming to your birthday party.'
'W8 how'd u get invited to my birthday party? It's private only for questions no exclaims. that took way too long to think of.🙊'
'Kay monkey.'
'I'm still Cat!!! The emojis don't have that face in cat.'
'Hehe your funny.'

" CAT!!!!!!!!!"
"What Satan?"
"Don't call me that."
"Then don't act like him."
"Oh Gawd!"

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