'Do they pick their own groups?' you asked curiously.

'To be honest, I'm not sure. They might? But I also sometimes feel like it's more like fate? I find it hard to say,' Lady admitted thoughtfully.

'But we for sure pick our own personality and based on that, we pick a group?' you repeated.

'Exactly,' Lady nodded. 'Sometimes the group is already complete, but sometimes you simply pick one, and the rest joins after. That is not to say that they are less than the one you picked initially, not at all. They simply joined later, but you love them just as much,' Lady said. You couldn't help but think of the brightest light, your favourite, even though you loved the others just as much.

'Why do we pick a group?' you asked. Lady chuckled.

'Cause they're men, and they're hopeless without us,' she said with a chuckle. You couldn't help but laugh too. 'No, but seriously, we pick a group because we want to be with them as much as they need us.'

'What do they need us for then?' you asked.

'Hmm, lots of things. Depending on the group and the Goddess, I guess,' Lady said, frowning for a moment. 'The thing is, as soon as Gods step on earth and get their shell, there's always something that goes wrong. Sometimes they lose track of themselves or their godly duties. Sometimes they have a hard time building their own personality or a hard time getting along with each other. There are often all kinds of things they need help with, some bigger or smaller than others,' Lady explained.

'And how are we supposed to help them?' you asked anxiously. Lady smiled at you.

'Well, that's the wonderful thing about being a Goddess; we often don't even have to really try. Our mere presence is sometimes already enough to help them out. And if it's not, our instinct always helps us out, and we always know what to do our way in those kinds of situations. Unlike Gods, who can be fumbling about their powers for their entire lives,' Lady chuckled.

'And... the roles... I mean...' you weren't quite sure how to ask her the question you wanted to ask, but luckily, she seemed to understand.

'The roles we decide on before we pick will fit our group. Otherwise, we wouldn't have picked that group. They will fill in that need of your role, whether that might be of a friend, kin, or lover... It's nothing to be ashamed of, nor should you deny it, as it is who you are. Besides, whatever your role is, they are always happy to help you fulfil it,' Lady assured you.

'Is there always one Goddess in a group?' you asked, trying to switch to another subject.

'As far as I know, yes, but don't hold it against me if you ever find a group with more than one,' Lady answered.

'And how many members are there in a group? Is it always eight?' you asked. Lady shook her head.

'No, mine has seven. And I've met groups who have more. I think I once met one that had thirteen. I almost felt bad for that Goddess... But I've also met groups of three Gods, so I guess it can vary. Not sure if there are groups of two or singles, though,' she said thoughtfully.

'And do they all have a Goddess?' You asked.

'Once again, as far as I've met them, yes, they do, but don't hold it against me if you one day find this to be untrue,' Lady said.

'And what about them unlocking new powers?' you asked eagerly, remembering her mentioning it.

'Right, yeah, they often do. Normally it can take decades, especially if they have lived without a Goddess for a long time,' Lady said.

'What triggers it?' you asked eagerly. Lady smiled mysteriously.

'Well, that is for you to find out, isn't it? It's not always the same for every group or every God. But remember, it's always your guidance that has led them to their new insight,' Lady expressed. For some reason, it made you blush slightly.

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