Chapter 15

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'I can't believe you can read minds now!' Han said, still in awe of what had just happened, when you finally arrived home. 'How- I mean when- I mean how- like what???' He huffed.

'I don't know either.' Jeongin said with a big smile, looking absolutely over the moon.

The eight of you went to sit at the kitchen table to discuss what had just happened.

'But since when have you been able to do that?' Seungmin asked curiously.

'I don't know?' Jeongin said, thinking to himself. 'I mean, I'm pretty sure today was the first time, but then again, it took me a second to realise so I might've been doing it before without knowing... No, I'm pretty sure Adam was the first time.' Jeongin said, suddenly sure of himself.

'But how can you have a power you don't even know about?' Hyunjin asked, his face still looking shocked.

Jeongin shrugged.

'Maybe...' you said as an odd determined feeling suddenly bubbled up. Everyone looked at you. 'Maybe it was something you had to unlock? Like something that needed to happen before you would be able to do this?' you said, feeling a bit odd but quite certain.

Changbin huffed but Felix put his hand up as he looked at you with narrowed eyes.

'Y/n...' he said thoughtfully and slowly. 'What are you feeling right now?' It was as if Felix knew. You could see it by the way he looked at you.

'Like... like it's true.' You said, biting your lip. 'Like what I just said is the answer.'

'What do you mean?' Jeongin asked, raising a brow.

You looked at him unsure, not knowing just how to explain, so you looked again at Felix for guidance.

'Guys... The vibe I'm sensing from here right now... It's quite similar to what I sense with you when your powers are telling you something. Like really similar.' Felix said, his eyes still narrowed as he stared at you.

'Okay, let's say she's right, what would've caused it then?' Jeongin said impatiently, completely glossing over what Felix had just said.

'Pfft, how would we know? Could be anything.' Seungmin said with a huff.

'Well, let's relay the simple facts,' Chan said, looking possibly more tired than you had ever seen him before. 'Jeongin discovered a new power today. Probably new.' Chan added when he saw Jeongin looking doubtful. 'Y/n thinks there might have been something that he needed to do first before he could unlock it.' Chan went on. 'Let's say that the new power has been unlocked almost instantly after whatever needed to happen. I mean, for all we know, the thing that needed to happen has happened ages ago and it just needed some incubation time.'

'I don't think that's the case,' you blurted out suddenly.

'Alright then, let's say that indeed it was unlocked directly after whatever needed to happen happened,' Chan said, blinking slowly and putting his hands on the table. 'Then the next question is, what did you do before you unlocked it?'

Everyone looked at Jeongin who seemed to be thinking.

'Well, I guess I pushed my powers as much as I could. Maybe that could be it?' Jeongin said thoughtfully.

'You also saved a life by doing so.' Chan reminded him.

'Right, right,' Jeongin said with a nod, then he suddenly looked at you and grinned, 'Oh, yeah, and I made out with Y/n.' he added with a grin.

Chan blinked a few times. 'Right,' he said dryly.

'Maybe that was it? Maybe your name is a goddess who unlocks new powers in you when you kiss her?' Jeongin said eagerly.

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