Just Touch Me

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A.N. IM BACK BITCHES- long and spicy babyyyyy

-Marshall's Perspective-

Holy fuck.
Like god damn.
I don't know who this chick is, but I need her.

Her little black dress.
The tight fabric grabbing at her curves.
The white lace lining her cleavage...
The black gloves...
Those beautiful lips, plump, rosy.
Those fucking lips I wanna see wrapped around my cock.
Her long black hair I wanna grab at.
Those long legs... the thick black platform shoes.
The leather of them... going all the way up to her knees.

"Yo, I gotta fucking split." I grumble, turning to Proof.
He raises an eyebrow, arm around his choice of the night.

"What you mean you gotta? The night is young man!" He justifies, letting out a chuckle.

I simply purse my lips.
If I miss my chance with that woman, I'll think about it for the rest of my life.

"I found pussy man, I'm goin' in" I tell him quickly, sliding out of the booth.
I don't let anything else occupy my mind.
Just this chick I really need to fuck.
It's my after party.
Surely she's here for me.
Why wouldn't she want to fuck me?
I know that sounds arrogant, by my dick is hoping for salvation here...

"Yo." I announce my presence, realizing I kind of sound stupid.
I stare at her.
Standing in my place.
What the fuck do I expect?
That she's just gonna get up and jump into my arms?

Siting on one of the bar stools, she looks up at me through her thick eyelashes.
She narrows her eyes at me.
"Woah." She mutters, face blank, devoid of emotion.

- Y/N's Perspective -

Eminem is standing in front of me.
His chest is rising and falling quickly, drastically.
He looks at me intensely.
What the fuck is going on?
I bought a V.I.P. Ticket in a wild moment of desperation.
I didn't think I'd even witness Eminem at his own after party.
I thought this was a long shot.

Now he's standing in front of me.
"Uhm- can- can I help you?"
I have so many questions to ask.
But I figure this is the first one I should ask... considering the fact he's just standing in front of me... just... looking.

He suddenly slides into the bar stool next to me, looking a little confused.
He stars down at the counter before looking back at me, "uh- so... did you enjoy the concert?" His voice is so nice, but I didn't expect such a bland question.

Weird... but ok?

"Incredible... I kind of came here hoping I could pick your brain on some stuff..."
He's so interesting to me.
All I want to know is... just how he really thinks.
I wanna know his fears.
His joys...
I know. Long shot.

"If you come back to my hotel room... you can ask me anything you want." He tells me.
That felt almost too easy...
I need to think about this more thoroughly.
Why is he so open to this?
What does he want?
Why did he come up to me in the first place?

"Oh- I didn't think you'd be that open to it..." I heard he really hated when people asked him questions.
I don't understand why he's so open...
I suddenly feel self-conscious.
His eyes roll over my body.
Over, and over.
He bites his lip.

It's so quiet all of a sudden, the music is the only thing keeping me from crumbling under his silent gaze.

His tongue running along his bottom lip, he stares at my own.
His face is peppered in blush.
I think I know what's going on here.
"Well... then I guess you've thought wrong..." is all he can say, eyes finally coming to mine.
Holy fuck.
I know he's undressing me with his eyes, but fuck is he so attractive doing it.
I'm both slightly offended and honoured.
Eminem is interested in me.

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