I hate you, so fuck me

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A.N. This was requested and hey, what's an imagine book without an angry sex one?

I got home late tonight, admittedly, I did go out drinking, but I didn't flirt with any guys, and turned down any that flirted with me. So I didn't feel the need to tell Marshall when I first got home, but of course he had to ask.

"Why was you out so late?" He asks, his eyes focusing on the football game in front of him, his legs spread out.

"I just went for a drink with a friend" I said, WHICH IS THE TRUTH. I put down my bag and rummaged through it for my phone and some papers I needed. I hear movement behind me as I get up. I turn around staring at Marshall in his new position, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"So you went to a bar?" He accused, his eyebrows narrowing at me in subtle disgust.

"Yeah? And?" I question, weirded out with his infatuation with the situation. He walks closer to me, his jaw tightening.

"You talk to any guys?" He asks, making me realize what this is about. I'm pissed quite frankly, because we've been together for so long now, I wish he would have SOME trust in me, but I'm in a relationship with Marshall Mathers, Eminem, so what could I expect? I decide I have to keep my cool as long as I can, since if I blow up now he'll assume I did do something with someone.

"Some came up to me but I told them that I was in a happy relationship and not looking for anyone" I say seriously, I look at him fully, giving him a reassuring expression.

"Really? Cause you been coming home late a lot these days" he spits, kissing his teeth.

"Ok, Marshall are you serious? I've been trying to keep my cool but are you fucking serious?! I've been working my fucking ass off the last couple of months, I enjoy myself for one god damn night and you wanna insinuate I'm cheating?! Does all this time we've spent together not mean anything to you? I love you so much Marshall, I don't want to be with anyone but you! You gotta work with me here, if you're struggling with something we need to talk it out!" I exclaim, loosing my shit on him but then coming to a full circle moment in my argument.

"Woah, don't fucking flip out like that! I was just curious about what was goin' on ok? Don't need to get all fucking weird on me!"

"You were the one who made this conversation weird in the first place, don't blame this shit on me! Marshall I'm sorry for shouting but I can't keep doing this with you. We can't be together if there's no trust!"

"Aye yo don't go gettin' all delusional, you gettin' really ballsy." He comes up to me and grabs my wrist, using it to pull me into his chest.

"Marshall don't turn this into a sexual thing!" I shout, trying to get out of his grasp, obviously not doing much to faze him, I have spaghetti arms...

"Naw I think you need to be put in your place" he says strictly, using his other hand to grab my ass and use it as leverage to hoist me over his shoulder.

"Put me the fuck down! I'm not doing this! We can't just fuck through all of our problems!"

"Yes we can, and I call the shots!" He chuckles, walking me up the stairs and leading us into the bedroom. He drops me down onto the bed and his hands fly to my wrists, pinning them on top of my head as he straddles me. He attacks my neck, aggressive kisses placed, hickeys made.

"Fuck Marshall, don't do this" I moan. Part of me doesn't want this to happen, but part of me really wants the angry sex. Marshall's really good when he's mad.

"You ain't tellin' me what to do aight?" He puts both of my wrists into the grasp of one of his hands and uses his other to push up my pleated skirt. He grabs my panties and spares no time tearing them off. (Not literally cause they be expensive heheheh)

"ah fuck, slow down" I whine, watching him unbuckle his belt to the best of his ability with one hand. He is eager to get in me, that's for sure. Soon the belt is undone, and his pants come off quick as lightning.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to say shit" he boasts, his dick shoving into me quickly. I throw my head back, my eyes closing.

I'm lured into the pure pleasure I'm experiencing until a burst of pain erupts on my right breast. Marshall smacked me, making my eyes burst open, darting to stare at the red hand mark he likely left there. "Shady fuck! Don't do that!" I whimper, clawing at his back.

"I'll do what I want to your body, and you better thank me, no one can make you feel like me, isn't that right?" He asks, his voice coaxing me to answer him. I don't reply, just moan, but he isn't too fond of that 'reply' so he slaps my other breast, making me scream.

"Thank you! You're right, no one can please me like you!" I scream out, making him groan, grabbing onto one of my tits, while sucking on the other, rolling my nipple around on his tongue. "Oh Shady, god don't stop! Ugh!" I whine, a hand moving to his head, running my fingers through the buzzed hair. Not much to get a grip on, but the feeling is nice.

"God I'm gonna cum, shit y/n" he groans, burying his head in my neck. "Cum with me baby" he whispers in my ear, nibbling on it.

I let myself clench around him, making him and me both cum almost at the same time.
We moan in unison, holding onto each other tightly, riding out our orgasms.

"Fuck... that was so good" I whisper, panting intensely.

"Now you know to be a good girl and answer politely got it? Because the next time you pull that shit, you'll be getting nothing" he tells me, getting up and walking into the bathroom, "now get yourself cleaned up"

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