chapter thirty-eight // doctors to heal the wounds.

Comenzar desde el principio

Let's just hope I can act like her too.

Tea and I follow Ed out of the hair and make-up trailer to lay eyes on the set for the photo-shoot. Our EP's title is 'Olives and Tea' because that's about the best we could come up with. We decided against a duo name and are sticking with Tea and Olivia, but we chose to be a bit more fun with the title. So waiting for us in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere is a picnic set up with exactly that; olives and tea.

"You guys ready to have some fun?" Our photographer steps forward to shake our hand. He's a rather attractive guy, probably a few years older than Tea and I. Immediately Tea's grin grows and when he's not looking, she wriggles her eyebrows at me, giving me a playful wink.

Add this to the long list of reasons I'm cursing Harry Styles. Here's a perfectly cute guy with a normal job that on any other day, I would have flirted with shamelessly - or at least attempted to. But I can't.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I mutter under my breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear, or so I thought. Ed gives me a pat on the back along with an encouraging smile as I head over to the picnic blanket.

I'm pretty sure he sees me as the definition of a basket case...

* * * *

"Oh my god, I need a shower pronto," I complain as Tea and I pull onto her street.

Our photo-shoot had started off nicely, the two of us taking rather cute and normal photos. But when I accidentally spilled some tea on her dress, all hell broke loose. The shoot ended with the two of us in a full blown battle. I'm drenched with olive juice and tea, and I'm pretty sure that there are still a few squished olives stuck on my body. To say the car reeks is an understatement.

"Who the heck...?" Tea squints her eyes as we pull up to her house.

Two figures stand with their backs to us in her driveway, standing beside their parked car. My brain jumps to a conclusion that makes my stomach churn, but I try to be reasonable. It couldn't be...

But the second they turn around to face us, I realize that it hadn't been my cruel mind playing tricks on me. In the flesh, standing in the middle of Tea's driveways is none other than Liam Payne and Niall Horan.

"Do you want me to run them over or...?" Tea turns to look at me as they move out of the way of her parking spot.

I try to appreciate her joke, but my mind has become totally numb. The appearance of them has brought all those memories I have been trying to bury, right to the surface of my mind. I just stare wide-eyed at them.

Why, why, why? Can't they just leave me alone?

My fingers fumble to open my car door after Tea turns the key in the ignition, shutting the car off. She watches me cautiously, having no idea whatsoever as to how I'll react; especially this new Olivia she's not used to.

"Hey, Olivia," Liam greets me as I shut my car door behind me, taking a bold stride towards me.

Unable to help myself, I take a step back, pressing my back to the car. I merely nod in response, unable to force my lips to form words. Niall - the one I had probably grown the closest to out of Harry's band mates - watches me with sadness in his eyes, like a little puppy.

"If you need me, Olly, just shout," Tea tells me, heading inside to give us our privacy.

But she makes sure to give Liam and Niall an extremely stern glare before disappearing into her quaint little house.

I fold my arms across my chest and lean against Tea's dirty car - not really caring since there's no way I can possibly get dirtier at the moment - watching the two of them carefully.

inspirations // harry stylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora