Lego boi backstory?

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So, here's Lego's old and new backstory.

In middle school, Lego was talking to Factual. Factual accidentally left his notebooks at school. But, he didn't want to go alone. So, Lego decided to go with. Once they found one of the five notebooks, an answering machine was guarding it. At the second note, the question third question had numbers that couldn't be read. When they got it wrong, Teacher would chase them.  Before getting the fifth book, Teacher cornered them and Lego pushes Factual out of the way before he was injured in the eye.

(14 yo Lego) One day while Lego was getting home, he heard something behind him. When he checked it out, he found a kid that was a spider. Even though he had arachnophobia, he took her home. After a year, he left her in a temple because he couldn't take care of her. Another year later, he got a job as a detective.

(Timeskip to Lab) After getting out of the Lab, a hoard of infected came after him and his friends. Then, Lego was teleported into his mind, where TIO was. TIO striked a deal, if he didn't give the cure, he would cure Doggy, Bunny, Zizzy and Spidella. Lego declined the deal. Because of that TIO turned into an ink monster. Lego tried to run away but then he got injured in his eye. He managed to get away and stop TIO. But, an infected version of himself starts to appear in his nightmares. TVA/AI Lego starts to appear too.

A year later, he was watching the rb battles. Suddenly, a portal appeared and black tentacles took the hosts and the competitors. But it also took Lego and some other youtubers that were watching. Lego, DJ, and a few other youtubers were taken to FNF. DJ tried, but he ended up losing to BF and getting taken by a black hand. Lego and 2 others tried and beat all the 3 songs. Eventually, the person who did all of this got caught. After a few days, Lego and other youtubers who became his friends met Rosemary. And she revived the hosts. From that, they got to know her and becane friends. But, the infected version of Lego and TVA/AI Lego still existed and they made a promise that they wouldn't hurt Lego's friends if he let them live.

Word Count: 402 Words.

(Age: 6) His friend, Factual forgot his notebooks at school and he wanted Lego to come with. Of course, he agreed. But, while finding them, their teacher, Mr. B (not Boringsworth) chased them down. He was furious at the two. Factual wasn't really a well-behaved kid whilst Lego wasn't that smart. After escaping, some people who were near the school at that time saw them getting chased and called the police.

(Age: 6-13) Even after that, Lego grew up with really strict teachers. If someone even says a single word, or even hums during class for that matter, they would be hit with a metal ruler. Even getting a B wasn't good enough. This was the school's definition of "education".  So, Lego was forced to sacrifice his sleep just to get good grades. And if ANY of students told ANYONE about the school's punishments, they would have to suffer a cruel punishment. The punishment was being locked in a dark room with no food or water for a day. THERE WOULD BE LITERAL HIDDEN MICROPHONES IN STUDENTS' BAGS TO SECURE THAT RULE. (Lego was also doing youtube during that time AND Factual was in the same school as Lego). Fortunately for him, he moved to Lucella and went to a new highschool with Factual.

(Age: 14)
While walking back home, Lego heard sobbing. He stopped and followed the sobbing. The moment he saw it was a spider, he slightly jumped. The spider noticed him and started walking closer but Lego started to back up. He tripped and the young spider walked up to him and hugged him. Lego tried to calm down. He asked where her parents are, but she said that they were taken. He offered her to stay with him for a bit.

(Age 15)
Lego started to realise that he couldn't take care of Spidella. He already had alot of things on his hands. Therefore, he left her in an underground temple.

(Age: 16-17)
After the infection, he and Spidella left Lucella and moved back to Robloxia. Little did anyone knew, he got infected back at the Lab, but it somehow doesn't effect him. Lego started to work on his Piggy RP Films. He is also getting less and less sleep each day, but he's working on it. And to this very day, he has never told ANYONE about his old school.

Word Count: 403 Words.


Go ahead and read that if you'd like.

I haven't written the others' backstory yet, but i do have some ideas for them.

Total Word Count: 834 Words-

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