Dare #39

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Heyo. This dare is requested by iamsir17. There is a mention of blood in this chapter. Enjoy.

K: Time to torture Lisa.

K teleports Lisa in a room.

Lisa: Why the hell am i here?

K: I'd rather go deaf than hear this b(  )'s voice again.

K: Anyways, you have a dare.

K: Anyways, you have a dare

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K: Enjoy!

Lisa: WAIT-

K teleports her somewhere else.

K: I don't think she'll come back anytime soon.


(I don't know anything about Doom Slayer, so this might suck)


Doom shoots Lisa with a shotgun and stabs her with the Crucible Sword. Blood was everywhere.

K: Finally. She's gone.

Writer's Note
Hello. Hope you enjoyed Lisa suffering. Sorry, this is also very short. I tried getting this out as soon as i can. Enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 146 Words.

(35 seconds, yes)

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