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Hello. This is a storywise chapter, that i wrote (the script) in 2 days. Enjoy.

K 💭: What are these... voices? They keep repeating 'Join us' over and over again.

The electricity suddenly shuts down.

K: What is happening?

The youtubers gathered at the control room. K checked the sistems to find out that the checkpoints don't work, the hosts' dead forms are revealed, and K's face was... normal. The thing that they notice the most was the hosts' dead form.

Russo: Uhm... Judges?

Rose: Alright long story short, when i revive people, they don't turn to their normal self. So, K implemented a sistem that hides your dead forms.

Albert: I'm so confused.

Rose: I'll just explain it.

While was explaining, K got teleported to the void again. (J) Nightmare TanqR, standing infront of her. (J) Demon TanqR was also there.

K: What do you want?!

(J) Nightmare TanqR: We don't mean any harm.

K: You're supposed to be in hell!

(J) Demon TanqR: We want to offer something.

K: What is it?

(J) Nightmare TanqR: If you  join us,we won't bother you or your friends anymore.

K: There is no freaking way i'll join you.

(J) Demon TanqR: You're declining our offer?

K: Are you deaf? I won't join you!

(J) Nightmare TanqR: Well, you're going to have a hell of a ride.

K: What?!

K was teleported back and saw Rose seemingly trying to wake her up.

Rose: K, are you okay? You just kind of stood there, souless.

K: Yeah, i'm fine. I just zoned out.

Rose: If you say so.

Suddenly, Lego passed out.

K: Lego?

Kreek: Hey... i'm feeling kind of dizzy...

Kreek also passed out and the rest of the youtubers, even K and Rose passed out aswell.


I woke up in a dark room. I couldn't remember much. But, all i knew was that i couldn't move. At all. I looked behind me to see Rose being stabbed right in front of my eyes.


A figure that looked like her but pitch black with pink outlines approached me.

???: Are you enjoying the show?

K: What show?! And, who are you?!

???: Introductions! How could i forget?

The whole room went silent for a few seconds.

???: The name's Nightmare Rosemary, Writer.

K: What?

Nightmare Rose: Even if this is not reality, your friends will still suffer. Just like Rose.

I woke back up in my room. I was relieved it was just a nightmare. Cyan panels appeared and i saw all the other youtubers in a dark room, with what looks like themself but pitch black with different colored outlines. They all reveal their names as nightmare versions of them. I saw that Rose was awake, so i went to Lego's room to tell Rose about the nightmares.

Lego's POV

I woke up in a dark room and saw someone or thing that sort of looked like... me? It was pitch black with  blue and teal  I walked up to it out of curiousity.

Lego: Who are you?

????: I'm your nightmare self.

Lego: What do you mean?

The figure laughed at me.

Nightmare Lego: You'll find out soon.

I woke up back in my room. Rose walked in.

Rose: Looks like you're awake.

Lego: What happened?

Rose: You passed out earlier.

K runs in the room.

K: Rose, i need to tell you something!

Rose: What is it?

K: All of the youtubers have met like, a nightmare version of themselfs. Do you know anything about it?

Lego: How do you-

Rose: No? We might need to ask Tanya.

K: Alright...

Rose's POV

Me and K walk out of the room and Timmeh notices us.

Timmeh: Whewe are you going?

Rose: To a friend's house. Why?

Timmeh: Can i come? Pwease?

K: I don't really see why not.

Timmeh: Yay!

Kreek: I'm coming with.

Rose: Alright.

Writer's Note
Hello there. Hope you enjoyed this crap. Here's the hosts' dead form.

Tanya is one of my ocs, in case you were wondering

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Tanya is one of my ocs, in case you were wondering. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 686 Words.

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