Dare #8

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Hello, i know just made a dare. But i just got like 3 dares. So, i'll try doing it all here. Also, i will be combining all the dares i got then just see how it goes. Enjoy.

Rose: How did i just get 3 dares? Who cares? I'll do it anyways.

Here are all the dares:

Here are all the dares:

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(I Don't know how help you, sorry)

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(I Don't know how help you, sorry)

Time to destroy youtubers sleep.

K takes Spidella while she was sleeping. When that was happening, Rose teleported Albert, Kreek, and Kayla in a room and wakes them up.

Kreek: What do you want now? It's literally 5 in the freaking morning.

Rose: Yeah, you have a dare.

Kreek; Then, why is Kayla here?

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Kreek; Then, why is Kayla here?

Rose: She has a dare too.

Rose: She has a dare too

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Kayla: Alright then?

Rose teleports them in the main room. (It's near their rooms)

Rose: Just yell as loud as you can.


Lego walks in the main room exhausted.

Lego: What is happening-


Kreek: Sorry, it was a dare.

Lego: Alright..

Lego walks back into his room. As everybody was about to go back to sleep, suddenly "Never gonna give you up" was heard and it was very loud.

TanqR walks in the main room and attempts to shoot Kreek.

Rose: WAIT NO-

(No one was hurt physically during this video, maybe mentally.)

In the morning
In a room

K: That was loud.

Spidella: So, you're basically kidnapping me for a dare?

K: Exactly.

Spidella: I can just walk out anytime.

K: I'm the creator. I can just teleport you back here.

Spidella: How are you so sure that my dad won't find us here?

K: Nobody knows about this room-

K got interuptted by Lego busting the door open. Lego was charging his repulsor.

 Lego was charging his repulsor

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Lego: Give me back my daughter.

K: You know what? I enjoy living. So i'll let you have her. Peace-

K teleports away.

Writer's Note
Hello, i didn't know i was able to make 3 whole dares pretty short. Hope you enjoyed. Bye.
Word Count: 346 Words.

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