Challenge #13

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Hi. This challenge is requested by janxyan_jay. Enjoy.

K teleports everyone in a room.

K: Here's the challenge.

K: I will ask a few questions and you guys must answer them, no need to say why

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K: I will ask a few questions and you guys must answer them, no need to say why. Let's start.
Would you rather know when or know how the world ends.

Kreek: How.

Lego: Same as Kreek.

Russo: Probably when.

The rest agreed with either Kreek or Russo. (Most of them agreed with Kreek)

After a few more rounds

K: These might be the ones that will make them emotional.

K: Okay. Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?

Lego: Sight.

(J) TanqR: Memories.

(J) Kreek: What?!

(J) TanqR: There are some memories that i wish i never had.

Albert: I agree with (J) TanqR.

K: Okay... Would you rather have a terrible yet long life or an amazing yet short life.

Most of them rather lived a short yet amazing life.

K: Last one for today, would you rather have someone you care about die or die a painful death.

(J) TanqR: I'd rather die.

(J) Kreek: TanqR...

The majority would rather die a painful death.

K: Alright, i guess that's it for today.

Writer's Note
Hey. I know the questions weren't that emotional, but i couldn't think of anything else. Enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 227 Words.

54 seconds.

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