Untitled_4 (Finale)

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Hey there. Here is the final part for the story wise chapters. Enjoy the crap fight scene.
Also, more blood + featuring Jaycuzwhynot, --GoldenRose--, and D1nonuggets's AU.

Lego's POV

I woke up in a dark room again. This time, it was a bit more distorted. I looked behind me to see Spidella getting yelled at by... me?

Lego: Spidella?

Spidella: Dad?!

She ran up to me and hugged me. All while Nightmare Spidella disappeared.
Rose and (J) TanqR woke up next to us.

Rose: Lego? Spidella?

Lego: Rose?

Me and Spidella broke out of the and i noticed all the blood that was on Rose.

(J) TanqR: Look, the only to get out of here is by facing the nightmares.

Rose: Killing them is also an option, though.

???: Do you guys need any.. assistance?

Behind Rose and (J) TanqR was... (G) Russo.

Spidella: Golden's Russo?

(G) Russo: Yup!

D1no walked in to view.

D1no: We heard what was happening and decided to help.

(G) Sabrina: More of Jay, D1no, and our AUs are here too.


Sil's POV

Rose (Golden) opened a portal to help Rosemary's AU. The nightmares were tough, but they were outnumbered. Flare also helped.
One of the nightmares, Nightmare Albert to be exact, took my gun and shot my wing. I winced in pain and kicked him. I took back the gun and shot it multiple times. It coughed out some blood, but i didn't let that stop me from shooting it f(  )ing dead.

 It coughed out some blood, but i didn't let that stop me from shooting it f(  )ing dead

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I saw Flare struggling with Nightmare DJ. So, i shot its legs, leaving it weak and unable to use its sword of agility before Flare sliced its head off.


(J) Albert's POV

I charged at Nightmare Sabrina and Russo, knocking them both back. Nightmare Russo cut eye before hitting my head with the sword. (Not with the blade part) I stabbed Nightmare Russo with the glaive i was holding but Nightmare Sabrina healed him. Rosemary's Lego blasted his repulsor at Nightmare Sabrina then stabbed her with his swords, leaving her to bleed out. Lego took his swords from Nightmare Sabrina's body and cut off Nightmare Russo's leg. I stabbed Nightmare Russo multiple times with my glaive and used my powers to throw him across the dark room.

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