Chapter 34 - Collecting the Reward

Start from the beginning

Without Rui, Achara felt a burden had just lifted off her shoulder. She felt free and her home felt like her home now.

Although she did not need to sell her breakfast, she decided to cook again and sell as she had regular customer who bought her food.After she finished all her work, Achara smiled, "Its time."

As the promised made by Kalazk, she could collect the reward after Rui started to stay at her house. She carefully took the marking stone, she hides under her bed. The marking stone was the ticket to receive the reward. She walked towards Kalazk house in a good mood.

When she reached Kalazks house, Achara called Kalazk with the sweetest voice she could mumbled. "Chief Kalazk! Are you there?" One could sense that there was flower blooming inside her heart.

Kalazk came out hearing her voice. Oh Aron! What make you come here?"

"Chief Kalazk, I am here to claim the reward. Here is my marking stone."Achara placed the marking stone into Kalazk hands.

"Sure, why don't you come in and sit. Wait here. I will bring your reward."

After a few minutes, Kalazk handed the reward to her. The box was carefully wrapped and package it nicely.

"Wait," He gestured her to come closer and whispered to Achara.

"Open it when there is no one else. I am sure you will like it," He smiled and said a few words to her that she could not relate to.

She was too happy to think carefully about Kalazk words and said "Yes, chief Kalazk, I will make good use of it." Then she bit farewell to him.

Kalazk after seeing Achara so happy to receive the reward, could not help but said," This brat, he is so happy to get my reward."

When she got home, Achara placed her reward on her bed and thought" Even though that bastard is not to my liking, at least I still get the price. Hehe." By bastard, she was referring to Rui.

"No one can stop me from becoming a three-star level beast. Now let take a look at my elixir." Achara muttered.

The moment she opened the reward box, she saw paper.

"Eh, why are they here?"

These papers are sewn together into a thick book. Paper were considered very rare in beast world. Normally Beast men had to craft on stones or tree to draw and record.

" Perhaps the purpose of this book is an instruction to swallow the elixir or secret tactic to make you stronger?" Achara thought.

"Anyway, let just take a look at this".

After she turned a few pages, Achara dropped the book "This... ".

In the book, there was a picture of a young and healthy beast men. Beside him was a delicate female who look like his mate. He walked towards her and started to massage her shoulder. Then his hands become dishonest and goes down to her chest and linger there. He turned his female to faces him and kisses her passionately. Then he pressed her down on the bed. Not long they both were butt naked and then what followed was an 18 plus scene.

Her face turned red after seeing the not so holy pictures. To confirm it clearly, she turned and look at the other pages of the book hurriedly.

"Impossible", She tried to search others thing in the box. But didn't see anything close to elixir.

"No, No, No. Where is the elixir?"

The only thing inside the box was that useless porn book.

"No, Kalazk surely said that the raw materials to make it come from longevity forest (where it is to home to many magical plants) and it is a product he has been refining for 30years. "

"Don't tell me...". Paper were extremely rare in beast world. Although one could find paper from other places, Longevity forest was a famous habitat for paper plant to grow.

Now that she thought back, Kalazk said something before she bit farewell to him today.

"I give 30 years of my own experience to pass this precious knowledge down to younger generations. After this, I assure you that you will be the envy of males and your future female will favour you more. You future female will totally be satisfied and love you."

At that time, she could not relate about how having this reward could make a female satisfied or becoming the envy of males. She put this matter behind the back of her mind. She was occupied with the happy thoughts of obtaining the elixir.

"By refining, did he mean he has been refining it and drawing this porn book with his 30 years of experience about bed matters?" Achara connected the dots.

"No, it can't be." She covered her mouth.

It seem that everything was her misunderstanding and think that Kalazk was going to give her a precious elixir. She exploded and shouted,"Arrgg! Why am I so stupid." She wanted to cry but no tears,"What a big mistake".

In exchange for this useless porn book, she took risk and let that pervert stay at my house. She beat her own heart. "Totally not worth it. I want a refund." She was not even a male. What is the use of porn book for her? She wanted to complain.

She looked at that book as if it was her mortal enemy and throw it away out of anger. What she did not know was that Rui had come back. Rui heard some noises when he came back and decided to check.

Then, Rui eye caught a particular book thrown at the entrance of Acharas room. He picked it up and looked at the content. He raised his eye brow after realizing what it was. Rui looked at her weirdly.

When Achara discovered that Rui had pick the book and looked at it, she froze.

"Is this yours?", Rui asked.

Realizing the situation, she panicked. "It' not what you think it is". She stuttered as she tries to explain.

"Here" he gave back her porn book. Then he smirked looking at her and then went out.

"Hey", Achara wanted complain "whats the meaning of your smirk."

"Although he doesn't tell anything, he must have his own though on it. Great! now I am even consider a pervert by an actual pervert" she bumped her head to the wall.

Author's note: Happy Valentines day in Advance. 💝💝💝💝💝🌷💐🎁
( 🤎🍫🍫🍫 Chocolate for all my readers )💘

Updated on 13th Feb 2023

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