chapter forty - talking to myself. literally.

Start from the beginning

I looked at my new surroundings. it reminded me of when I was inside grunkle stan's and my own mind. doors were everywhere. 

it was a long, woozy, and winding hallway with shifting doors. I swore for a second, I saw a ghost as I saw a blur of a person leave my sights.

actually, the more I think about it, I probably did. 

I start to walk down the hallway, holding back a gag from how nauseating this was. not even the strongest of stomachs could handle all the swirls and twisting views. suddenly a figure jumped out at me. she looked like a teenager of sorts, she was completely pale. 

yep, definitely seen a ghost. 

the ghost-girl proceeded to tackle me into a hug. "whoaa! It's so cool to meet an alternative version of me! Do you like Sonic too? Do you have a favorite food? What's your favorite food? Do you have a favorite color? Do you like brown? What's your opinion on furbies? Do you like them? Hate them? Would you burn a furby? Have you burned a furby? If you say yes, I'll burn you" she said, her tone changing dramatically as she spoke.

"uhh.... hi?" I said, looking down at her and slowly peeling her arms off my torso. "And no, I haven't burned a Furby last time I checked." 

"Cool! Hehehehehhe this is awkward-" the ghost said before changing the topic "uhhh Fresh sans! The parasite? Ever heard of him? He's the coolest- though I probably wouldn't like him if I was a sans since.... you know.... constant risk of becoming a target- I'm getting off track, sorry! So how did you get here, buddy?"

I looked around, still somewhat confused from her presence, this was definitely one way to meet another me. "Well, I broke a necklace and created a rift in the multiverse." I said, somewhat bluntly.

her face changes to surprise "You WHAT- actually, you know what, I'm not even gonna question it. Frankly, nothing can surprise me after a found out Error sans has five tongues. And after I saw Ink- wait, that's spoilers. Never mind. Am I being too much of a nerd? Is this boring you?" she paused looking up at me again"soo..... I'm assuming you don't know how to leave?"

"Actually, I'm sort of trying to fuck around with the multiverse so the-" I paused, slowly getting used to this new version of me "you know a lot of things right? like, your talking about things that technically shouldn't exist in the universe I ended up in. have you heard of bill cipher?"

"Ooooooh, of course I have! He's the reason I left the emo phase early. I just constantly imagined him judging me." She says, with an oddly serious tone before becoming super excited again "Wait, you've MET HIM?! That's so awesome- you're real lucky, you know that. Have you questioned him about the 14 billion genders thing yet?"

"I have actually, we sort of caused weirdmageddon together" I explain, using hand motions. her face becomes more and more expressive.

"Awesome. You go, bud! So, what about it? You mentioned him for more than that, right? Why are you 'trying to fuNk around with the multiverse'- Fresh doesn't approve of cuss words so by extension neither do I by the way" 'Dangit I should cut down on the references the comments are either going to harass me or be super happy, there is no in-between' she thought.

"uhh.... spoilers?" I say awkwardly, not trying to tell this other version of me my plan to literally harass a different version of myself. "If you wanna accompany me I could explain it to you on the way"

"Alright! Where ya headed?" she said, floating towards me.

"No clue! opening random doors and seeing where they lead, I guess?" I say, shrugging and leaning from my heels to my toes. 

The ghost lets out an odd laugh "Hehehhe- that's such chaotic energy.... I wish I were that brave. What if one of them is some equivalent of Underlust?? Wouldn't wanna risk it." the ghost comments, making a valid point.

"I think that's enough references, as much as I love the rebuilder, it does distract from the plot" I say, shrugging and looking at her.

"Ohh, sorry. Anyway, where to next?" She asks excitedly "By the way I'm not gonna stop using Fresh's way of censoring cussing because it's the only way I can bring myself to stop since I know it's a bad thing-" she says incredibly fast.

"uh, you're the one who has clearly been here longer than I have, so could you lead the way?" I ask, getting up from a specific spot in the hallway. "all good, you do what you want other me. speaking of which, what should I call you?"

"You can call me Audrey! It's not my real name, but it's what I prefer to go by since "Gengar" is associated with Pokémon." Audrey explains. "also, I haven't actually been here for very long. or... I don't think so anyway!"

I sighed, my chance at a guide completely out the window. "Alright then, so be it. wanna accompany me through opening random doors?"

Audrey nodded, and thus began my adventure through a nauseating hallway. 


a/n 2.0: Audrey is an oc made by Gengar (another person in my discord, not the Pokémon) in the REALLLLY early stages of this fanfic. I've been planning on adding her for a bit now. 

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