chapter forty - talking to myself. literally.

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a/n: bill fanart by sel from my discord. hi sel. 


it's been about four weeks since I twisted/sprained my ankle. 

I genuinely don't know if there is a difference.

is there a different between twisting and spraining? 



after that bill and I have been trying to look into the logistics of why I'm here and such, along with how the hell the necklace works. our conclusion was as follows:

based on multiple different events I'm a character that repeats throughout the multiverse, due to this I encountered what seemed to be other versions of me. which means if there are so many versions of me surely there is a version of me that actually managed to stay in gravity falls right? or a universe where I'm watching my story play out through a book or a tv show.

actually- that sounds creepy

so, after that we discussed when we should open the portal and we decided on today.  

well, at the time we decided to do it, it wasn't today. it was a couple days ago. 

you get the point.

back to the present, and I'm holding the necklace carefully in my hands, waiting for bill to enter the training room and tell me when to open the portal. soon I can hear the sounds of... something? I'm not sure how to describe the noise of somebody flying towards you at a somewhat normal rate? like fly-walking...? I'm not sure how to describe it.  lets call it a 'ZOOOOOOOOOM' noise.

"So, what has my favorite meat sack been up to now?" bill said as he entered the room.

"Contemplating my life decisions, you?" I responded, looking at him. 

"So, are you seriously going to try to kick alternate me and an alternate version of you out of their universe? how do you even intend to-" bill started. to which I pressed a finger to his bowtie to shush him. 

"No clue, I'll figure it out. did you put together my playlist?" I asked him, looking at him.

"Piano battle music against the horror that is math homework?" he asked, summoning my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it. 

"Nah nah, the other one"

"Songs to play when I feel like I want to punch a hole in a pillow?" bill asked, scrolling through my playlists "also, what an aggressive title." he commented with the closest thing he could to a smirk.

I sigh in frustration "I meant the one you made, not the ones I did." I explained.

"Ah! right! poetic verses that won't melt the ears of humanoid creatures the moment they hear it." bill said, holding up my phone to my face.

"that's the one. let's get some action-movie worthy background music going here." i said, holding the necklace as he pressed play. 

"three" bill started, putting my phone onto the table.

"two" I counted down with him.

"One!" we said, I smashed the necklace onto the floor, a rift in the multiverse itself opened up, it was like the normal rift, just much more nauseating. "Also, jinx, you owe me a soda if I come back alive" I said to bill, as he proceeded to push me into the rift. 

"HEY-" I shouted at him, he only waved at me as the rift closed behind me and re-formed into a necklace inside my hands. almost like it was never smashed.

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