I hurriedly pulled on some leggings and a hoodie and brushed my hair. I didn't have time for makeup so I brushed my teeth running out of the bathroom to grab my book-bag from the living room where I left it last night.

Mason was already in the car when I jumped in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep and forgot to set my alarm" I said, breathing heavily. "It's all good, Haze. I grabbed you a muffin your mom made." he said, gesturing to the napkin sitting in between us. "Thanks Mace" I said, grabbing it and quickly eating it before we pulled in.

I didn't have time to go to my locker so I went straight to the first period with my book-bag, even though the teachers don't really like it. I got to my seat just before the bell rang.

At the end of class, I turned in the make-up work I completed the night before.

Walking to my next class, I saw Mason and Kayla walking hand-in-hand. What the hell? Mason's class was coming up soon so I did my best to catch up with him, but the halls were too crowded. They stopped in front of the door and kissed before heading their separate ways. Double what the hell? Why would he be doing this? She cheated on him with his teammate. And she's my literal sworn enemy! 'Why' is the only thing I could think of to say.

I was distracted the whole second period thinking about it. Distracted enough to not hear the teacher call my name. "Miss Hazel?" Mr. Jones, my math teacher said. "What?" I said, looking up from the spot on my desk I had been staring at. 

"Care to answer the question?" He asked. I hadn't heard the question so I said the first thing that came to mind. "Three branches of government?" I said, unsure. Laughter erupted from the classroom. 

My face turned a deep shade of red. "That's definitely the answer to a question, but not this one. This is math." He said, slightly chuckling. "Try and focus next time, okay?" he said, giving me a friendly smile. I did not return it. I looked back at my desk and tried to forget that even happened.

In my embarrassment, I forgot about the whole Mason and Kayla thing, so when I arrived at the table, seeing Kayla sitting in my spot, I was brought back to reality. Taylen and Jackson looked as pissed and confused as I was.

"What's going on here?" I said, trying to keep my voice even. Kayla turned around, with a malicious sneer. "Mason didn't tell you?" she asked as I walked around the table to sit next to Taylen. Her expression quickly changed once she faced the group again, to an over-exaggerated smile, grabbing his arm and leaning on his shoulder. "He decided to give us a second chance," she said, sounding like a love-struck teenager.

"And when did this happen?" I said, finally bringing myself to look at him. He was smiling as well, but it didn't reach his eyes. Something felt very off about this whole situation. "Oh, who cares it-"

"I didn't ask you," I said, interrupting Kayla. "Are you really going to let her talk to me like that babe?" she said, looking at him with feigned despair. When he didn't say anything right away, I saw her shoot him an angry look, and he was quick to say "Sorry darling" he paused, turning to me. "Please don't talk to my girlfriend that way," he said with a straight face. "What the hell dude" Jackson butted in. Mason looked at him. I couldn't read the look on his face but it wasn't right. "What do you mean?" He said.

"She cheated on you!" Taylen answered for him. "That was in the past. And she admitted that it was a mistake and promised she wouldn't do it again." Mason said calmly. "Once a cheater, always a cheater" Jackson mumbled under his breath. Kayla must have heard it because she quickly stood up, angrily, and leaned across the table sticking a finger in his face. "Now listen here you little sh-" "Back the fuck up, bitch" Taylen said, standing as well. "Are we going to have a problem here?" Kayla said, putting her 'nice girl' act back on. They stood there staring at each other before Mason reached around Kayla's waist pulling her back down. "Now girls, there's no reason to be getting worked up. Taylen, please apologize to Kayla." He said, peacefully.

"Fuck no" Taylen said, sitting back down. "Hey man, don't tell her what to do." Jackson said, getting defensive. "They are going to have to learn to get along somehow." Mason stated. "And why is that?" I said, my voice full of attitude. "Because she's a part of our group now."

What the hell? "you don't get to decide this all of a sudden" I said, appalled at the thought. "Yea, to hell with that" Jackson said, Taylen nodding beside him. "Well she's staying whether you like it or not ''.

"If she's in, I'm out," I said, standing up from the table. "Me too," Taylen added, standing up and giving me an agreeing look before turning to Jackson. "Sorry dude, I'm with them" He said, holding his hands up defensively, and standing up to follow us.

We found another table across the courtyard and I sat with my back to them. I didn't want to have to see that. "When did this happen?" I asked, since it wasn't answered the first time. "We have no idea," Taylen said, apologetically. "Yea we just saw it right before you came." Jackson said, almost fuming.

"I just don't understand why he would do this. We all hate her. And now he turns around and dates her? Especially after she spread that rumor about me. Something is definitely up with him" I said, Shaking my head, frustrated.

"Maybe she hypnotized him with her witch powers," Jackson said, waving his hands around, pretending to hypnotize us. We laughed at his dorkiness. He might not be too far off. She was a witch.

"We're really sorry Hazel. I don't know whats gotten into him" Taylen said, her laughter fading into a stumped look. "It's okay. As long as I still have you guys I'll be okay." "We're not going anywhere," Jackson said, reassuringly, looking at me, to Taylen who nodded, and back to me. "Thanks guys" I said, glad to have them as my friends.

The rest of the day went by quicker than I wanted it to. I did not want to see Mason. I packed my things at my locker and was shutting the door right as Hunter walked up. "Hazel, did you see that Mason and Kayla are back together?" He asked sharply. "No, I went blind this morning. Yes I saw them. He's my- well, was, my best friend." I said, slowly starting to grasp the fact that right as I got him back, he left me. 


For her.

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now.." He said, waiting for me to say something. Betrayed, lost, furious, frustrated, and Disgusted were a few I thought of. "Wow" he said, surprised. "Oh shoot did I say that out loud?" I asked in disbelief. Apparently I did because Hunter just nodded. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, obviously concerned. I just looked at him like 'really'? "Sorry, stupid question. Is there anything I can do?" I was about to say no when I thought about having to ride home with Mason. "Actually, yes. Could you take me home? I really don't feel like being anywhere close to Mason right now." I sighed. "Sure thing. You'll have to give me directions though." He agreed.

We walked outside to the parking lot towards his truck. I saw Mason and Kayla by his car, surrounded by Nick, Ryder, and all the other popular people. He stood with his arm around her, smiling and laughing with them. Traitor.

The ride home was relatively silent besides the occasional 'turn right here' or 'take a left up there'. Once we pulled into the driveway I thanked him and got out. Before he left he called out the window "Hey Hazel, I'm here if you need anything. Anything at all. Don't hesitate to ask, okay?" "Okay," I hollered back "I will". And with that He drove off.

I shot Mason a quick text telling him I rode home with someone else before going up to my room to start my homework...and figure out how I was going to avoid him while we live across the hall from each other.

Written Feb 11th 2023

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