17: Confession

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Izuku smiled wide, walking up his driveway as he clutched onto the All-Might themed hoodie his friends had stolen for him. Apparently, shoplifting was something Ashido was used to. Or, that's what Ochako said. The greenette looked up, seeing the kitchen light was on. Brows furrowed, his heart racing as he made his way around the house, to his bedroom window which he had used to sneak out. 

Used to it, he managed to crawl inside and make his way around his bedroom, despite the fact that he couldn't see anything. He managed to scoot closer to his dresser, reaching out for the switch on the wall as he flicked it upwards. The room suddenly illuminated, a smile forming on his face as he stared at the switch. Tonight had been an amazing night. Though, it was getting late, and he wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. The freckled teen looked down, turning to face his bed, only to jolt in fear. 

Right there, his mother sat. Arms crossed, hair loose in a night gown which she had clearly used to wipe away tears; leaving damp spots. 

"Where were you?" She asked, her voice calm as usual. It sent chills down Midoriya's spine; seeing how she had no expression on her face whatsoever. It was almost impossible to know what she was thinking, at the moment. 

"I... Was out with friends." He admitted. 

"Is that the truth?" She questioned, raising a brow with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Izuku felt his heart drop, tears threatening to prick at the corner of emerald eyes. He looked down to the hoodie in his hands, unsure what to reply. He had been caught. As much as he was doing a great job at hiding his behavior, he had failed. His mother was going to squeeze the truth out of him now, whether he wanted to or not. That's how Inko Midoriya was. 

"Sit down." She spoke, pointing to the chair next to his desk. Izuku obeyed, hauling the chair to his side so he could take a seat. He set the hoodie on his knees, hoping she wouldn't mention it. "I received a call from your school, earlier. Saying you skipped out on your afternoon classes a lot. What have you been up to?" She asked, her voice a little wobbly as tears threatened to fall. Izuku kept his eyes glued to the floor as he replied. 

"I was hanging out with friends, in the bathrooms." He confessed. He didn't tell her about the fact that he often skipped classes to smoke with Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero in the bathroom stalls. To be fair, she didn't ask for details. 

"Just... Hanging out? Izuku. Your classes are... Your grades, you're failing each and every class." She whined. "I know moving here wasn't exactly what you wanted, but it's no reason for you to rebel against me! This was coming, and you knew it since last year. You're acting like a child!" She continued, raising her voice. 

Midoriya remained quiet, emerald eyes stuck to his feet as he listened to his mother cry, sniffing every now and then. He waited until she spoke up again, knowing this wasn't the time for him to argue or speak. This was his mother's time to scold him. And he knew better than to interrupt her. 

"You've disappointed me, Izuku. I can't believe you've been up to all this." She sobbed. Izuku felt his heart ache, tears welling in his eyes. He hated hearing his mother so upset. He hated that he was the one to make her so damn upset. He waited, a dozen seconds passing before her voice was heard throughout his bedroom again. "Is there anything else you've been up to? That you're lying about, or hiding from me?" She hesitantly asked, looking up to green curls. She could tell her son was emotional, from the way his entire being was shaking, and the way he kept his head low. "Look at me." She ordered, watching as he raised his head a little. His emerald eyes refused to meet hers, but by the look of Izuku's face, she could tell he wasn't in a state to make any eye contact with her without breaking down completely. 

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