9: Christmas Break

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Midoriya smiled, gently closing his locker for the last time that year. Christmas break was beginning, which meant he didn't have to come back to school until mid-January. 

"Izuku! Come on, you don't wanna miss the bus, do ya? Hurry up!" 

"I'm coming, jeez." The greenette giggled, following his brown-haired friend through the halls. It took only a few minutes before the two teens bolted out the front doors of the building, embarking their bus right on time before it departed. Seated in their usual front seats, both began chatting about the upcoming holiday break, and the wild party that awaited them on the 23rd.

"You're still coming, right?" Ochako asked, placing her bag on the seat next to her. Midoriya rolled his eyes, placing his on the ground between his feet. 

"Of course, I told you and the guys that I'd make it, for sure." He confirmed with a wide smile. As his female friend nodded, she beamed a bright smile. 

"I can't wait, this'll be so sick. Everyone's gonna be there, it'll be even better than the kickoff. Maybe you'll even be able to land a quick kiss on that dumb blonde in the back." The teenage girl winked, causing a field of freckles to disappear into a dark red blush. 

"Ocha, no! Shush! I'm not going to kiss him... I can't do that. I've barely known the guy for five months. Besides, my religion and all." The greenette trailed off at the end, looking down to freckled fingers. A short silence roamed, the only sound of the bus's loud motor being heard. 

"So... You'll just suppress everything - your feelings and sexuality - just to go by your mom's stupid rules?" She asked, tilting her head as brows furrowed. 

"I don't want to disappoint her." Midoriya was quick to reply. "She's my mom, I'm lucky to be alive - She could have aborted me, and she didn't. I want to make her proud, to prove to her that letting me be born was a good decision. That my life and existence is worth something, y'know?" He finished, his voice quivering at the thought of ever making his mother angry or sad. 

"That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Izuku, what's the point of living if you won't break the rules every now and then? You're a bigger narc than Tenya, for fuck's sake. Let loose! Have fun. Be yourself and do whatever you want to do. Your alive, and your mother's decisions are hers to deal with. If she regrets having you, then, so what? It's her problem, you're here now and she's forced to love you." The brunette giggled, gently nudging her friend into a smile. 

"Yeah, I dunno." Midoriya shrugged, unsure. 

"Just let loose, just for Christmas break. For me. Have fun, you won't regret it. Please?" 

Izuku thought for a moment, a smile growing on his soft features. "Alright."

Midoriya's smile faded as his red shoes hit the sidewalk. The large yellow vehicle drove off as he made his way up his driveway, knowing his mother was home early that night and most likely waiting in the kitchen for him. As expected, the freckled male walked in to a smell of delicious food cooking, greeted by his mother's embrace. 

"Welcome home, Izu. You look tired." The chubby woman stated, pulling away from the hug to watch her teenage son drop his bag to the ground, kicking off his shoes. 

"Yeah, long day today. What's for dinner?" Midoriya asked, walking in. His mother made her way back to her task in the kitchen, answering his question by telling him she was cooking some curry. Just before the teen could make his escape to his bedroom, he was stopped by a question that sent chills down his spine. 

"Sweetie, I got a call today, from the principal. You weren't present at your 3rd period class. Where were you?" 

Izuku's lips parted, his throat closing as he didn't know what to respond. How could he possibly tell his mother he and his friends were off smoking outside, instead of sitting in a boring old class? His heart thumped loudly in his chest, mind racing with non-helpful thoughts. Should he run off? Maybe, dodge the question by subtly changing the subject?

"I was off helping the librarian, I forgot to go tell my teacher I'd be busy." 

A tense silence roamed in the kitchen, emerald eyes welling with tears as he stared at his mom's back. 

"Mm, I see. Don't let it happen again, 'kay? I don't want you to be late or have any absences in your classes, unless you're sick or something important has happened." His mother answered, happily stirring in the pot she was using. Izuku quickly nodded, knowing she couldn't see his gesture as he bolted up the stairs to his bedroom. He gently closed the door, waving his hands around once he was alone. His throat seemed tom close every time he tried to breathe, and he couldn't stop smiling, for some unknown reason. His first thought, was to flip open the laptop set on his desk, immediately opening a tab to type in a couple of words. 

💚 Izuku 💚: OCHAKO
💚 Izuku 💚: I LIED TO MY MOM
💚 Izuku 💚: I'VE SINNED WHAT DO I DO???

His heart raced as he waited for a reply, three little dots soon appearing on screen. 

🤍 Ochako 🤍: Yo, calm down, chill.
🤍 Ochako 🤍: What did you lie about???

💚 Izuku 💚: She got a call from the principal saying I wasn't at my third class and she asked me where I was

🤍 Ochako 🤍: What did you tell her??

💚 Izuku 💚: I told her I was helping the librarian with some books or something and she believed it. 
💚 Izuku 💚: What do I do? Should I go back and tell her?

🤍 Ochako 🤍: UHH NO If anybody finds out about the cigarettes, Mina's dead. Her dad's been to jail before and he's the one buying this shit for her, if the cops find out about it her dad can get arrested again and she'll be devastated.

💚 Izuku 💚: Oh...

🤍 Ochako 🤍: Just go with it, she won't find out, I'm sure of it.

Izuku huffed as he looked down, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He had never lied to anybody before, at least, not on purpose. But now, knowing he had sinned and lied to his own mother, it felt like Hell. He wasn't sure if he could be the type of person to actually do something like this and keep it up for an extended period of time. But, for his friends, he had to. Or Ashido's family could be torn apart, and his friends would all turn against him for ratting them out. He couldn't be a narc, he had to be cool. He had to fit in. 

That's why he agreed to keep it all a secret, and he decided to go to Chet's Christmas party. He was living his life the way he wanted, and nothing would stop him from doing so. Seeing his friends, and how they're all perfectly capable of getting by this way, he could too. He just had to adapt, and learn. 

He could do this, he could. There wasn't any magic hidden behind it, it was easy. He just had to be cool. 

💚 Izuku 💚: Alright, I won't let her find out. 😉👍

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