8: Finals Celebration

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"Man, those fuckin' finals were rough." Kirishima whined, leaning back in their booth. Izuku nodded, agreeing with his friends. It was late, Friday night. There was only one week left before Christmas break. A light coat of white snow covered Hosu's streets, and to celebrate their hard work and passing notes, the friend group had decided to spend a night out in Marnie's restaurant. Of course, Izuku had to convince his mom to let him out past his usual curfew, and his parent managed to agree on having him home by eleven o'clock. No later than that. 

Everybody had passed their tests, Izuku being the highest score. An A. He hadn't studied, but his logic and knowledge had helped him greatly. 

"Alright, is everyone done eating?" Ochako asked, looking around the table to empty burger baskets. A few fries were left, and half-empty drinks. "If so, let's go." She added, slipping out of the booth along with Katsuki and Tsuyu. Izuku watched in confusion as his friends slipped on their coats. 

"Where are we going? I thought we were staying at Marnie's." Izuku spoke, following his group out the door. He zipped his coat as Kaminari replied. 

"Yeah, we are. We're just going in the back. You'll love this, Izuku." The energetic male replied, running his finger through his orangey-yellow hair. Midoriya fidgeted as thy made their way to the back of the building, where nothing but a large garbage bin was set. Bakugou and Eijirou were the firsts to climb on top, taking a seat along with Ashido. As for Uraraka, she sat down on a large cement stone, followed by Izuku, while the rest of their group sat on the cold ground. Although it was winter, the air wasn't too cold, and the teens' coats kept them warm. 

"Alrighty, here." Ashido mumbled, unzipping her cropped coat to reveal a large bag filled with numerous cigarettes. Izuku's eyes widened at the sight, watching as she handed out a couple of cigarettes to each teen. "Here you go, Izu. Take one." She eventually spoke, handing out two sticks towards him. 

"Uh, no thanks." He muttered, shaking his head. 

"Come on, Izu. Have a bit of fun. You've been stressed out all week, take a puff. Just one." Ochako chimed in, grabbing herself a few cigarettes as well. Midoriya hesitated, feeling Bakugou's glare take place on him. Katsuki had taken a cigarette as well, would it be weird if Midoriya didn't take any? After all, that's the reason why they didn't invite Tenya; because he wasn't into this kind of thing. 

"I guess I can take one." He mumbled, quickly swiping a cigarette from Mina's hand. He looked down, holding the small stick between his fingers carefully. He had never held something like this before, and the thought of smoking made his heart race. What if it made him cough, or choke? 

"Here, Izu." Kaminari called out, tossing a lighter over to him. Midoriya caught it, holding it tight in his hand. Another thing; he had no clue how to use a lighter. He looked up to the trash, seeing Katsuki exhale a cloud of smoke as his glare was still focused on Izuku. 

"Ocha? Can you do it for me?" The greenette whispered, handing the lighter over to the brunette. Without a word, Uraraka grabbed it and lit up her own cigarette, before lighting up Izuku's. 

"Just inhale, then pull the cig away and exhale." She explained, demonstrating to him with a big puff. Midoriya carefully brought up the stick to his lips, avoiding all eye contact with the good-looking blonde who still stared. He inhales, feeling his throat immediately dry up, then close. And of course, as expected, he went off in a coughing fit. 

"Jeez, careful man. Not a huge inhale, for fuck's sake." Eijirou laughed, watching Tsuyu rub circles on the coughing greenette's back. 

"I didn't know-" Izuku coughed, regulating his breathing as he held the cigarette up to his lips once more. He gently inhales, this time feeling different. He gently exhaled, seeing nothing but smoke come out of his mouth, clouding his vision for a few seconds. 

"See? Not too bad." Ochako cheered, along with his friends' encouraging words. "So, Izu, were you going down to Chet's during Christmas break? Huge ass party going on down there again. This time, don't run off?" The brunette asked, watching as the greenette nervously fiddled with the small stick between his fingers. 

"I dunno, you left me all alone last time. Katsuki was the one to come talk to me before I left." Izuku replied, locking eyes with the blonde for just a second. 

"Oh, come on. You didn't know anybody, back then. Now, you have all of us. You've got to come." Mina chimed in, waving her hands around the circle they had formed. A few laughed as Izuku smiled, shrugging as he took another smokey inhale. 

"I guess I could go." He breathed out, admiring the smoke the escaped his lips. He knew damn well his mom wouldn't agree to this, not one bit. But it felt amazing to be having fun with his friends. Actually enjoying himself. It felt good. 

"Great, I'll pick all of you guys up, then." Kirishima added. "Some of you guys will have to ride in the box of my truck, though. I've only got a five seats inside, so we'll be riding where the cops won't be able to see us." The red-head smiled, looking over to a nodding Katsuki. Midoriya smiled at the two, admiring the blonde's features for a moment before looking back down to his cigarette.

"When is it, what day?" Izuku questioned, taking another puff. 

"The twenty-third. Wednesday. But it's during Christmas break, so, no stress." Tsuyu added, pushing a strand of her long hair behind her ear. Izuku smiled at the gesture, looking down once more. This night, everything about it was beautiful. He loved spending time with his pals, and doing this with them felt wild - amazing. 

He felt liberated, away from his mother's hold. Her grip. The cage she had been keeping him in. He was finally being himself. He felt free.

"I'll be there."

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