2: Ochako Uraraka

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Izuku took a deep breath, watching the large yellow bus approach in the distance. Up until now, everything had gone smoothly. He had managed to put together a nice outfit, eat a healthy breakfast and walked out of the house on time to take the bus. But now that the large vehicle had come to a full stop in front of his driveway, Midoriya could feel nothing but panic and anxiety. 

He kept his head down, watching his step as he walked up the three stairs into the bus. Immediately greeted by the driver, Izuku looked to his left, emerald eyes taking in the 12 rows of seats, along with several students. Some were seated alone, near the front of the bus. Others were seated in the back, obviously up to no good. As expected, everybody was wearing clothes that didn't match him at all. He looked too innocent and pure, next to the others. 

The greenette clutched tightly on the yellow strap of his backpack, making his way down the aisle before sliding into a random seat. On the driver's side of the bus, seat number seven. He could very well hear the leather-wearing teens in the back, whispering about him. But, his mother had taught him to ignore people if they ever got on your nerves. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.

"Who's that?" ... A feminine voice. A girl. By the tone of her voice, Izuku could tell she was old, around his age. 

"I don't know, who cares?" ... A male voice. He sounded so much older than Izuku. Then again, Izuku sounded young for his age. 

"Shh, he'll hear you! Jeez, is his hair naturally that curly?" ... The girl's voice again.

"He looks so nerdy. If I were him, I'd literally kill myself. Fuck, does he not know where he's headed? He won't survive a day in a school like this. Looks like a fucking bitch." ... Another male voice, different from the first one. 

Izuku winced, feeling uncomfortable by the constant cussing. He could tell the people sitting behind him were trying to stay quiet, but he still heard every word, despite the fact that the bus' motor was making a lot of noise. 

"Oh, fucker. Shut up."

The greenette frowned, looking down to his shaky hands. He tried his best to mute out what these horrible people were saying, but it was so hard. His day had only started, and he was already receiving harsh comments. How could people be so mean? He hadn't done anything wrong, or anything to offend them. Maybe he was just too overly-sensitive. 

Luckily, the bus ride didn't last as long as he thought it would. Only about fifteen minutes, and he was the last person to be picked up. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a brick building. Honestly, it didn't look like a school at all. More of a prison. Graffities were seen over the brick walls, giving it a splash of color. But somehow making it look more horrifying. 

The greenette took another deep breath, rushing through the front doors. He could immediately make out the front desk, and elderly lady sitting behind it. She wore square glasses and was quite short. A bit chubby, with reddish hair. She looked nice, probably the nicest-looking person Izuku had seen in Hosu, so far. 

"Hello." She greeted with a large smile, standing up from her chair. Izuku timidly smiled back, approaching the desk. 

"Hi... Uhm, I'm new here." He spoke. "I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be headed..." He trailed off, earning a wide smile from the woman. 

"I see. You can just head down to the cafeteria. Take a right, right there, and go down the staircase to your left." She explained, pointing down the hallway that split into four directions. Izuku nodded, thanking her before going down the hall. He took the hall to his right, walking for about a minute before he reached a staircase. He turned to his left, going down the stairs as he heard loud chattering in the room below. The minute he entered the cafeteria, he wished he hadn't. It felt like the entire school was filling the large room, all seated in rows of chairs that had been placed to face a stage. Midoriya frowned, confused. In his old school, their stage was in another room. Having a stage in the cafeteria seemed odd, to him. 

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