12: Sinful Izuku

Depuis le début

If watching homosexual pornography made his this aroused, would heterosexual sex make him feel any different?

The greenette shifted, pulling his laptop closer to type a different word in another tab. He made sure to pause the video he had been watching so he could choose a heterosexual one, eventually finding one that somewhat fit his liking. After a few clicks, he leaned back once more to watch a different scene unfold. He immediately frowned, as the video started off with a naked woman, moving seductively in front of the camera as she gently caressed herself.

A frown took place on freckled features as he almost immediately paused the video, switching back to the one with the two men. Just a glimpse of the naked woman was enough to make him feel uncomfortable. Was this a sign, already? That he preferred men?

Midoriya sighed, hesitantly hovering his mouse over the homosexual video. After another click, the video began playing again. He tried setting himself comfortably across his bed as he watched the bulkier male move his hands across his smaller boyfriend with gentle hands. With a swift movement, the tall boyfriend managed to remove parts of the small brunette's lingerie, revealing some skin. 

 Watching those movements made Izuku's heart begin to race even more inside his chest, his temples throbbing at every heartbeat. This was weird; he wasn't used to this. Sure, his rebellious new friends may be used to talking about sexual activities, and watching pornography, but he wasn't. This entire experience was new to him, and making him quite nervous. Izuku paused the video again as his breathing hitched. 

This felt wrong - very wrong. Masturbating was considered a sin of lust. Just like watching sexual videos. Of course, Izuku had sinned before, but God was forgiving, right? But... Could he be forgiven for this? After a final deep breath to try to regain his calm, Izuku clicked back on the tab with the heterosexual porn on it, and clicked on the back button near the left corner of the screen. Maybe the woman shown on the first heterosexual video just wasn't his type. So, he found himself scrolling down to see many other videos with more women.

There was... A lot to choose from. Too much, almost. But as the greenette scrolled, the stirring feeling down below was lessening. He wasn't looking at women's breasts, or their intimate areas. He just couldn't, it felt horrible, too wrong. It was hard to explain, but he just wasn't interested in their intimate areas. 

After realizing that he was getting nowhere, the short male decided to close that tab completely and go back to the one with the two men, the video he had left paused. The moment he had paused at, caused Izuku to be slightly knocked off guard. They two lovers were both looking into each other's eyes like nothing else in the world mattered to them, like they were the only ones there. Like... Only they mattered. Like nothing could ruin how much they wanted each other in that moment.

Izuku winced un discomfort, feeling his boxers tighten again, and - sometime while he was staring at the paused video - he came to the conclusion that this was what he wanted. His eyes studied the photo, and he noticed that the larger man on screen had a similar physique to Katsuki. His eyes fluttered to a close, imagining Katsuki look at him with that much desire, before his fantasy was rudely disturbed by a wetness leaking onto his boxers. 

 "Ah-" He coughed in shock, unsure of what to do. He quickly kicked off his jeans, followed by his underwear. He gently pulled up his shirt, looking down at his erect member with a flushed face. Was he seriously about to do this? Really?

With a hesitant movement, the greenette reached down, mimicking the movements he was watching online. Emerald eyes glued themselves at the screen, watching the tall male gently stroke his smaller lover's intimates. Just like Izuku was struggling to do. He slowly wrapped his freckled fingers around his own, stroking downwards in a gentle movement. Izuku's eyes fluttered close as he bit his lip, feeling butterflies in his stomach as he tightening his grip a bit. He stroked upward, shifting his hips as he began pumping in a repetitive motion. Not too fast, yet not slow. Just a nice, perfect pace.

A quiet whine-like sound escaped his mouth as he bucked his hips, opening his eyes to the video again. He slowed his hand movements as he watched the tough-looking man caress his boyfriend a little more, letting the small man rest against the bed with quiet moans. Izuku couldn't help but let his lips part, his breath hitching as he watched the tall man remove his joggings. 

Somehow, Midoriya's mind wandered off to the night he had spent at Bakugou's house, on New Year's. How dangerously close they had come to sharing a kiss. How Katsuki's eye color was attractive, his defined jawline, his braces that made his smile look ever so handsome. Everything about the blonde - His messy hair, his laugh, his voice, his physique. Everything was perfect. 


Izuku threw his head back, quickening his arm movements as he continued to pump his cock, feeling it twitch with pleasure under his hand. He closed his mouth, covering it with his free hands as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. It wasn't enough. Something just wasn't right. He wanted Bakugou there with him. That was the only thing his mind could think of, other than going blank. Katsuki. 

"Ah- Oh..." The greenette panted, removing his hand from his mouth as he let it wander down to his crotch, slowly rubbing his fingers down his thigh. He winced, making his way lower, where he let his fingers draw circles around his sensitive entrance. "Kat- Katsu- Ah- Kacchan-" The greenette whined, his index gently pressing against his pink hole, his right hand continuing to pump vigorously.

"F-Fffff..." Midoriya bit his lip, eyes rolling back as the tip of his finger managed to squeeze inside of him, sending a weird yet pleasurably feeling throughout his abdomen. "F-F-Fuck." He coughed, continuing to pump. He looked down, no longer paying attention to the video that kept playing in front of him. He squeezed gently around his member, watching his precum leak out the red tip of his penis. Gently, he ran a finger over the slit, before wrapping his hand around it again to continue his masturbating session. 

As a few other curse words quietly escaped the freckled teen's lips, his breath hitched and back arched. He gently threw his head back against the wall, his quiet moans becoming more high-pitched as a warm feeling bloomed in his lower abdomen. He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his index dig a little deeper inside of himself as his dick pulsated in his hand; a white liquid spurting out from the tip. 

With one final loud moan, Izuku found himself becoming limp, resting back against the wall as both arms rested by his side. He stared down at his penis, watching it get softer as his semen remained still on his stomach. He leaned forward, closing the open tab on his laptop before he sighed, reached over to his desk where the box of tissues sat. His face flushed red to the thought of his blonde friend, ashamed by what he had just done. He couldn't believed he had just had a sexual fantasy about his closest male friend. It felt wrong, in so many ways. 

The small male's brows furrowed as he tried his best to clean up after himself, wiping away every bit of cum with the help of his tissue, eventually throwing up away in the trash can next to his bed. He looked around, to the blank walls. Only a few weeks ago, he had decided to take down all the All-Might merchandise he loved as a kid, and put it away in a box he kept in his closet. Now, his bedroom looked much more mature, to him. Although, he felt like what he had just done was incredibly immature. He felt like a horny 13-year-old boy after taking a glance at the hottest person in his classroom. Only, he was seventeen, and had just masturbated for the first time while thinking of his closest friend. 

"Fuck." The greenette whispered, leaning back on his bed as he tugged his shirt down, covering his intimates as much as he could. He gave one last glance around his bedroom, standing up to put on a pair of clean underwear and slip on his jeans again. An awkward feeling took place as the curly-haired teen slowly made his way out into the hall, still partially dazed by what he had just experienced. He made his way into the kitchen, taking a seat alone at the table as he spoke to himself in a shaky tone.

"So... Now what?"

AGAIN! I want to thank my friend @your_local_kinnie for helping me with this chapter, they came in and saved the day. :) I hope you enjoyed it, let me know in the comments what you thought of it! Have a nice day, I love and appreciate every single one of you! <3

-Sucky Author

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