Chapter Twenty Seven - One foot out the door

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Eris and I had been working on some ideas for my wedding gown in my chambers. We had waited half an hour for Luna now, and as the time passed I could see Eris's dislike for the girl she had never met growing.

"Punctuality here in Olamoore is not what it is on the island...I can tell you that" she remarks, as she checked her delicate wrist watch once more.

"It's her second day" I remind her "she's not used to the Oaks lay out yet nor is she used to being at anyone's beckon call"

"One day is sufficient to learn your place ... and don't you dare deny she's not been here before. She would have had your chambers location burned into her pretty little mind within the first hour of arriving"

The door knocked and Eris and I stood, expecting perhaps Rowan since the knock was so impatient.

"Come in" I ask.

Luna looked unfazed by her lateness as she entered the room. She completely neglected greeting Eris for the first time, instead focused on me "You should see that room Rowan put me in... it's as damp as the rivers edge Andy. I can't live like an animal" she whined. "She's horrid"

Eris walked around Luna who was completely unaware of her and stood behind her as she observed her with dissatisfaction.

"Then leave" Eris suggested, arms folded.

Luna was so surprised to hear another voice that she whipped around, her hand flying up to her chest "and who the hell are you" Luna asked with her back up.

"Currently... your worst nightmare" Eris replied.

Luna shook her head "I'm the Queen consorts assistant" Luna argues "I think you might be in the wrong room"

Eris laughed, so deeply that she had to hold her knees and bend over slightly "I'm sorry" she finally apologised sarcastically coming up for air "I thought you were joking"

"Who is this" Luna asked me.

"Luna... meet Eris... my cousin"

Luna looked mortified. "Eris... sorry I had no idea" she said holding her hand out to shake.

Eris looked down at her outstretched hand and ignored it "it's good to see how a person treats the staff... it's usually a good indication of them as a person. You Luna... are the kind of fairy you can't turn your back on"

"You got the wrong impression" Luna tried her best to have her believe, with a smile.

Eris sat back down at the table and threw the sketch pad across the table to Luna "doubt it" she replied. "Andromeda and I have already sketched out some ideas for the wedding" she said gesturing to the sketch pad.

I take a seat and pass it to Luna "do you think it's okay" I ask.

Luna sits beside me and looks through our ideas "I would just need to measure you... but yes ... it looks perfect. Should I measure you a
Little later" she asks with a raise of her eyebrows.

I remember the promise I had made to come to her room later, and kick myself . I couldn't keep that promise now that I was to see Rowan.

"Do it now" Eris asked.

Luna shook her head "it's okay we made plans to do it a little later"

"I have to take a rain check on that" I let her know.

"We have time now" Eris pushes again "I can help you with it" she says reaching into Lunas pocket and pulling out the cloth measuring tape like a snake.

"Get up Andromeda and let us measure every inch of you... then we can have Luna here whip up a whole summer, autumn and winter wardrobe for you"

"There's no rush for that" Luna argued "I'm
On staff I can do that as the seasons change"

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