Chapter Three- Andy

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When I was a little girl, I wasn't allowed out of the kingdoms gates to play. I was sheltered like a fragile leaf that trembled in a slight breeze from the top of the old oak we lived in.

It wasn't until my sixth birthday that my father even heard my guardians pleas, to let me interact with children my age.

Willow, my mothers sister, my first guardian, would beg my father " She won't grow up normal Aster, if you continue to shelter her from her kin, there are many children of her age in the veil, children of the royal court who would be quite suitable"

My father, he was a tall man with golden curls and a bushy beard, handsome, middle aged, large brown eyes that always seemed to be full of heavy thoughts. I don't remember a time my father didn't always seem to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. My brothers have told me many times, tales of my father, from before my mother passed away. They told me he was joyful and loud, generous and playful, the complete opposite of what I have always known.

He hates me. I'm as sure of that as I am that the sun will rise in the morn from the East.

My father is stern in his reply. Sometimes it felt like he physically slapped you across the face, with the tone of his words "Willow. I'm keeping her safe. I don't want word to get out that she is free roaming this kingdom. There was an assassination attempt only months ago. Rowan cannot live the life of a normal fairy child. She is not normal in any sense. Now get that through your stubborn head, or leave"

Willow shakes her head, her long dark tresses flinging side to side with the action "You idiot Aster. Stubborn?" she shouts, and she points a finger toward him accusingly "you are the definition of stubborn. You keep that child locked away like she is a prisoner of your veil, not the princess or the first in line for the throne. That child doesn't know it yet, but as soon as she hits twenty one, she will rule this kingdom....And you"

My fathers voice booms through his royal chamber, birds take flight from the branches outside. "I am your King" he declares angrily "talk to me like that again, and I will have you banished"

Willow laughs. "My sister would be ashamed of you. You are scared of a six year old Aster, you don't even visit her, what are you scared of? That if you spent time with her, you would see she's just a little girl. Or is it that she's the image of my sister... and you know she looks back at you and curses you. I know what you do to that little girl... I know you have been putting things in her drinks for years. Magic suppressants I'm guessing"

"You know nothing" he bellows, he holds his head as if it's about to crack into two.

"It is already in motion Aster. Rowan will be the queen, she will be powerful, despite how you assume you will suppress it. It won't work. Rowans destiny was in motion the moment she let out that first cry... in this very royal chamber"

My father glances sideways to the place my mother had birthed me, the large oak bed, and his eyes squeeze shut for a moment, a pain visibly washes over his features.

"If you keep her from making connections with other fairy's, other children her age, then perhaps you will be the one to make this prophecy a reality. Have you ever considered that by hiding her and keeping her in solitary confinement like this, that you will actually create the monster these kingdoms fear?" She asks.

My father remains quiet, his eyes focused on the wall he now grips, as if he is steadying himself.

"Aster" Willow shouts accusingly.

He turns instantly, angrily "I'm your king, how dare you address me in this way, like that of a heathen from Thistle. Kiss my hand now, and plead insanity for this outrageous behaviour"

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